Journal 9/27/1985
P1 Reagan slams new Compact for giving Marshalls too much There will be no Compact of Free Association by the much publicized October 1 deadline. It has been put on hold by the Reagan administration, which now strongly objects to the planned House-Senate amendments, which give the Micronesians too much. It is the second time in two months that the Reagan administration has switched and lobbied against the Compact, which it negotiated.
P1 Collision course at Kwajalein At midnight Monday “Kwajalein belongs to the landowners,” said Kwajalein Atoll Corporation leader Senator Imada Kabua. In a telephone interview with the Journal from his home on Ebeye, Kabua declined to elaborate on what actions, if any, the landowners were considering to initiate on October 1, when the current Interim Use Agreement runs out. The outspoken Kwajalein leader has led two previous “sail-ins” at the Kwajalein Missile range in 1979 and 1982.
Journal 7/29/1997
P1 Witten wins Early unofficial election results have Witten Philippo ahead of his opponents as of press time Wednesday. Other candidates for the Majuro Nitijela seat vacated by the death of President Amata Kabua were: Moses John, Biuma Samson and John Melieon Milne.
P13 Assumption seniors sponsor nuclear waste debate A public debate about the pros and cons of bringing nuclear waste to the Marshalls was sponsored by the AHS senior class and the United Nations Development Program to raise community awareness about the issues involved and promote citizen participation in such critical discussions. Minister Jiba Kabua (for) and Senator Alvin Jacklick (against) headed the discussion which involved around 60 members of the general public who came up with questions, suggestions and personal opinions.
P15 Passport sales fuel government payroll Government payroll last year was met largely due to income received from passport sales, according to Acting President Christopher Loeak. He was responding to statements from Bikini Senator Henchi Balos who expressed amazement that though passports sales were declared stopped over a year ago, a great influx of Chinese into the Republic has been apparent throughout 1997. Loeak said approximately $3 million had been obtained through sales and this money was used to help meet payroll. R&D Minister Jiba Kabua said that over the past two years period up to $10 million had actually been raised, some of which was used by Air Marshall Islands and some was used for the new hotel.
Journal 9/26/2008
P3 Keep islands unique The fourth Micronesian Traditional Leaders Conference opened in Majuro Tuesday with a call by Nitijela Speaker and Irooj Jurelang Zedkaia for people from the islands to “fight to maintain our respective cultures so that we remain firm, united and unique.” Palau traditional leader Roman Bedor emphasized the importance of caring for natural resources for the next generations. “Language and culture is our identity,” he said. “But land and water is our home.”
P13 An old age anger An elderly white-haired guy got flummoxed earlier this week as he sat in his office in a downtown location. Presently, one of the young guys working at the firm came to the office door, requesting to pick up an item from the codger. Then, like so many Marshallese do, the young guy stood frozen at the door, speaking what was needed. This standing at the door out of reach angered the old guy, so he said: “Why don’t you walk in like a normal human being and let me hand it to you?” He was referring to a computer flash drive. The old guy was tired of the
“Manit” of young guys not feeling comfortable to walk in to get what was needed. “I’m tired of this ‘false humility’ you think is so necessary,” complained the white-haired entity. “Yeah, but it’s only because you’re too old we go to respect you,” explained the youth. It was then the youthful clerk started running as the old man picked up the phone and threw it at him.
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