Red Cross aids Majuro residents

Red Cross staff and Acting President Divine Waiti deliver disaster relief aid to Eldon Enne, whose home was badly damaged by the inundation at Jenrok Tiete Weto. Photo: MIRCS.

The Marshall Islands Red Cross Society (MIRCS) as part of his auxiliary role to the government of the Marshall Islands responded to the ocean inundation caused by the recent high tides, which affected certain parts of Majuro Atoll especially Delap village, Small Island, Jenrok and Utrikan weto in Rita.
Acting MIRCS President Divine Waiti said on December 10, after receiving calls from those affected to assess the damage caused by the ocean flooding, “we mobilized MIRCS disaster personnel and conducted the assessment.” It started from Mokeo Weto in Delap area, covering Small Island and the Lanai area, and finally Jenrok to Utrikan Weto in Rita.

This photo shows damage that a house on Mokeo weto in Delap sustained during the high tides earlier this month. Photo: MIRCS.

“Based on our assessment, a total of four homes were damaged,” he said. This included one each in Makeo Weto, Delap, Small Island, Jenrok and Utrikan. Seven houses were inundated in Makeo Weto, Delap, and while four households have been displaced and are living with relatives currently due to their homes being affected.

After the assessment, “MIRCS staff and staff from the RMI National Disaster Management Office and International Federation of the Red Cross were able to dispatch non-food items for distribution to those affected. MIRCS distributed tarpaulins, shelter kits, tools, blankets, solar lights, buckets, and kitchen kits.


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