After spotting and destroying one coconut rhinoceros beetle at Amata Kabua International Airport in September, RMI government authorities identified an infestation of these coconut-destroying beetles at Ļojemwā weto, Ajeltake — the area just past the PII rock crushing location.
A team from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Commerce was dispatched to further investigate the area.
Based on the findings, the team confirmed that over 100 coconut trees and a few pandanus trees in the area were infested with the beetles, said NRC in a report.
These trees showed signs of coconut rhinoceros beetle invasion with two-inch boreholes on the crown of palms and young, emerging fronds with 45-degree cuts with scalloped edges.
Larvae were also found burrowed inside of decayed coconut tree stumps and chopped coconut tree trunks.
NRC requested local residents inform the ministry when they see any of these destructive invasive species.