A new RMI vessel, the MV Ribuuk Meto, was forced to shelter in Ailinglaplap’s lagoon earlier this week, as poor ocean conditions led to a delay in its arrival in Majuro.
Government authorities had scheduled a welcome ceremony for the vessel Tuesday afternoon. But that plan was shelved after high waves and gusting winds earlier this week required the 149-foot landing craft to pull into Ailinglaplap until rough conditions subsided.
The vessel was purchased with Covid-19 relief funds to provide service to the outer islands, said Finance Minister Alfred Alfred, Jr. at Nitijela last week. The vessel was purchased in Malaysia.
Health authorities said the crew of the vessel, who arrived in Malaysia recently from The Netherlands, all underwent a 14-day quarantine in Malaysia and tested negative for Covid prior to joining the vessel.
Public Health Director Dr. Frank Underwood said the vessel has now been at sea for over 25 days, which more than meets the 21-day requirement for vessels coming in. On arrival in Majuro, a Covid-19 test and point of entry screening for Covid-19 will be applied to the crew, he said. “A negative test is necessary for disembarkation and opening of the vessel,” he added.
The five crew on the vessel are not allowed to disembark at Ailinglaplap, he added.