By Journal on November 17, 2022
chauffeur license, Frank Underwood, Hilary Hosia, Ministry of Finance, national police office, public health, system is a maze., taxi dirvers, taxi drivers, TB clinic, Wilmer Joel
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HILARY HOSIA Navigating the hospital and police system is not for the weak of mind or body. In layman’s terms, the current system is a maze. Say a person is trying to get chauffeur license to become a taxi driver. The person would need a hospital clearance card given to chauffeurs and food vendors. Initially, […]
By Journal on September 29, 2022
Charlet Donato, Charlie Donato, Frank Underwood, Laura Elementary schoo, Laura High School, Marshall Islands High School, Ministry of Health and Human Services, Package Learning, PSS, Rita Elementary School
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Despite Health authorities giving schools the “all-clear” to resume classes September 18, the Public School System had not as of Wednesday this week confirmed a date for its schools to open their doors for the current school year. Marshall Islands High School issued a notice this week that it will begin a phased return to […]
By Journal on August 11, 2022
AMI, Arrives, BA.5, CDC, Cody Jack, Covid, David Kabua, Frank Underwood, FSM, Giff Johnson, Jack Niedenthal, MOHHS, Northern Islands High School on Wotje., PaxLovid, Red Code, Wilmer Joel, World Health Organization
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GIFF JOHNSON This is how the Marshall Islands went from being one of a handful of places in the world to still be Covid-free two-and-a-half-years into the pandemic to joining the rest of the world August 8.Majuro hospital authorities discovered the first “cluster” of Covid positive cases Monday afternoon. Parents brought their 17 and nine […]
By Journal on July 21, 2022
Frank Underwood, Hilary Hosia, Iva Reimers-Roberto
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HILARY HOSIA “A lot of work must be done in the days and months ahead prior to opening of RMI borders in October” — this was the overall message government officials delivered during the two-day Covid Summit at the International Conference Center (ICC) July 14 and 15. The summit was divided into two days to […]
By Journal on June 23, 2022
Centers for Disease Control, Covid Vaccine for six months to five years old, COVID-19, Eve Burns, Frank Underwood, Karen Earnshaw, MOHHS, Simiko Jomuly, Vaccine
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KAREN EARNSHAW The Ministry of Health and Human Services will begin providing the Covid-19 vaccine for children aged six months to five years on Friday July 15, according to RMI Director of Public Health Dr. Frank Underwood. This follows approval of the vaccines for young children by the US Food and Drug Administration late last […]
By Journal on July 8, 2021
Arrak Quaratine, Covid ICU, David Kabua, Frank Underwood, Giff Johnson, Ginger kabua, Jack Niedenthal, Julia Alfred, Mary Hicking, Sandy Alfred, Two treated, UA Flight
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GIFF JOHNSON President David Kabua and his party of six became the first people in 15 months to get off a United Airlines flight in Majuro and go into quarantine at the Arrak facility when they did so this past Tuesday.The last group to come in by a United flight was Xavier High School students […]
By Journal on June 17, 2021
Covid-19 vaccination, Covid-free, Frank Underwood, Giff Johnson, Glen Joseph, Johnson & Johnson Covid vaccine, Ministry of Health and Human Services, Moderna vaccine
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GIFF JOHNSON The Marshall Islands launched Covid-19 vaccinations for commercial fishermen temporarily in port Majuro this past week — possibly the first Pacific island to vaccinate fishermen. With the country vaccination program nearing 80 percent completion for the two urban centers, and public health teams now conducting vaccinations for remote outer islands, the Ministry of Health […]
By Journal on January 14, 2021
COVID-19, Frank Underwood, Giff Johnson, Jack Niedenthal, Mineko Mista, MOHHS, Rosabella Jennet, Vaccines
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Since the rollout of Covid vaccinations in RMI shortly before the New Year, the Ministry of Health and Human Services has vaccinated 612 healthcare workers and other “front line” employees. Meantime, the RMI’s Covid vaccination program for the public will soon be moving into high-gear, with the arrival in Majuro of 6,000 doses of the […]
By Journal on January 14, 2021
Alfred Alfred Jr., Frank Underwood, Ribuuk Meto
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A new RMI vessel, the MV Ribuuk Meto, was forced to shelter in Ailinglaplap’s lagoon earlier this week, as poor ocean conditions led to a delay in its arrival in Majuro.Government authorities had scheduled a welcome ceremony for the vessel Tuesday afternoon. But that plan was shelved after high waves and gusting winds earlier this […]