Ota Kisino

Taiwan helps epilepsy diagnostics

Taiwan helps epilepsy diagnostics

The Marshall Islands faces significant challenges in effectively managing epilepsy, which is an illness of concern for the Ministry of Health and Human Services. “A major obstacle in the medical field is the lack of necessary resources and expertise for accurate diagnosis and treatment of epilepsy,” said the Taiwan Health Center in a release last […]

Taiwan donation for early diagnosis

Taiwan donation for early diagnosis

An increasing number of patients in RMI are being diagnosed with gastrointestinal cancer while the sole colonoscopy system at Majuro hospital has been non-operational for months, impacting the capacity for clinical diagnosis and treatment, reports the Ministry of Health and Human Services. In response to this urgent healthcare need, Taiwan’s Shuang Ho Hospital and Majuro […]

Hilda checks out hospital

Hilda checks out hospital

HILARY HOSIA President Hilda Heine led a high-level visit to the Ministry of Heath and Human Services last Friday. The visit included a tour of the facility with the hospital leadership team followed by a program at the Wellness Center to recognize female outer islands health workers and recent graduates from Fiji National University. President […]

President Hilda confirms Cabinet

President Hilda confirms Cabinet

The new Cabinet lineup was confirmed Monday. It features a mix of Nitijela Members, and demonstrates how President Hilda Heine and her core supporters reached out to newly elected Members as well as those from islands that would normally be considered aligned with the Kabua traditional leadership in order to form the new government. Members […]

Japan boats to Likiep

Japan boats to Likiep

Japan Ambassador Kazunari Tanaka attended the handover ceremony on Likiep last month for two new vessels as part of the Japan-funded “Project for the improvement of Sea Transportation in Likiep Atoll.” The grant amounting up to $80,500 for the procurement of two boats was funded through Japan’s Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Projects (GGP). […]

Wong’s whirlwind trip to Majuro

Wong’s whirlwind trip to Majuro

WILMER JOEL and GIFF JOHNSON Australian Foreign Minister Penny Wong’s whirlwind visit last week had two immediate impacts: • From Wong’s signing of an agreement with Culture and Internal Affairs Minister Ota Kisino last Thursday at noon, V7AB aired its first Australian Broadcasting Corporation program, one of several that are to be aired on a […]

New Cabinet members sworn in

New Cabinet members sworn in

Three of the four newly appointed Cabinet ministers were sworn in during a ceremony at the ICC Tuesday morning. Chief Justice of the High Court Carl Ingram with Clerk of Courts Ingrid Kabua officiated at the swearing in. This followed a blessing and then brief remarks from President David Kabua. The President described the Cabinet […]

Drought worsens in northern islands

Drought worsens in northern islands

The northern islands are now facing a looming drought with little to no rain in January.While Majuro was deluged with rain the first couple of days in February, rainfall in Majuro is no indication of wetness in the northern islands. While Majuro received 8.76 inches of rain in December, Wotje saw only 2.55 inches. January […]

Mayor Ota aims for solutions

Mayor Ota aims for solutions

HILARY HOSIA A majority of mayors attending the 17th Executive Leadership Workshop at the Marshall Islands Resort’s Melele Room Tuesday demanded improved customer service from the Ministry of Transportation and Communications panel, which included bosses from Air Marshall Islands, Directorate of Civil Aviation, Shipping Corporation and Ports Authority. But Wotje Mayor Ota Kisino took the […]

Leaders sign plan of action

Leaders sign plan of action

Marshall Islands Mayors Association President Ota Kisino joined President Hilda Heine and Internal Affairs Minister Amenta Matthew in signing a joint communique from the recently completed Leadership Conference spelling out seven areas for follow up action. The joint communique is the first in the 16 years of this annual event. The key areas identified for […]