Rien Morris vs WUTMI

WHAT WE WERE SAYING WAY BACK WHEN. Above front pages from 1983, 1995 and 2005.

Journal 5/6/1983

P1 Washington talks Bikini-Kili Magistrate Tomaki Juda and Senator Henchi Balos met with US Vice President George Bush recently at the White House. Both Juda and Balos are in the delegation of Bikinians now on its way to Washington for US Congressional appropriation hearings, 177 talks, and United Nations Trusteeship Council meetings later in New York.

P10 Among other things By Akio Heine We offer our condolences on this Constitution Day to the people of the Republic (i.e., the copra makers) for constitutionally suffering through four years of parliamentary government. The government promised to raise the copra price for copra makers. Instead it raised taxes for the cigarettes they smoke and the colas and beers they drink, among other things. 

P21 Ebb and flow Next month will be Majuro’s first fishing tournament. The Marshalls Billfish Club, the organizer, has space for advertisers in its program booklet. See Tom Michels if you are interested.

Journal 5/12/1995

P10 Crime up, budget down With crime on the rise, this is no time to be slashing public safety’s budget, the police commissioner observed in an interview this week. All government officers were instructed to cut their budgets by 10 percent for fiscal year 1995. “Adult crime is up, but police funding is being cut,” said Commissioner Norman Jennings. “There comes a point when you cut the police budget that it costs you more than if you didn’t make the cuts. If we can’t investigate complaints, people won’t report crimes.”

P11 Nine boxes of info The United States provided the Marshall Islands with more declassified documents on the nuclear testing program this week. Deputy Principal Officer at the US Embassy Tom Murphy presented nine boxes of reports, memoranda, and other documents from the Department of Energy to Foreign Minister Phillip Muller. A year ago, the US released close to 30 boxes of documents to the Marshall Islands.

P16 One person’s trash… Youngsters from 11 schools gathered at the Ministry of Education last Friday to accept Earth Week awards. Trash art winners: Monique Levy-Strauss, first; Heather Jacob, second; Ajeltake Public Elementary, third.

P17 Outer islands setting record copra pace Any way you look at it, copra production is booming in the Marshall Islands. The rate of production in the first three months of 1995 is setting a pace far beyond any records set in the modern era (since 1951), according to Tobolar Copra Processing Authority figures. Copra production for January-March totaled 2,255 tons. The most copra produced in one year since World World II was 7,348 tons in 1970. The Marshalls has not broken the 6,000 ton mark since 1986.

Journal 5/12/2006

P1 Rien v Carmen on WUTMI ban Why did the Ministry of Internal Affairs halt two live shows on V7AB radio? That question sparked an impassioned debate between Minister Rien Morris and WUTMI President Carmen Bigler over control of the government’s radio station, spicing up the Majuro Chamber of Commerce’s regular meeting Wednesday at Marshall Islands Resort. Morris was with President Kessai Note and all Cabinet ministers, who as a group participated in a Chamber meeting for the first time. Morris’ bottom line for canceling the weekly WUTMI program was that leaders of WUTMI had failed to show him respect because they hadn’t talked with him about a radio program on V7AB. Bigler’s point: They did talk personally with Morris, but he told them it was a Cabinet decision, so they approached the President, who sent them back to Morris, who is now upset that they approached the President.

P3 Rolling blackouts hit Ebeye Ebeye Island is facing its latest power crisis, with only one engine working as of Tuesday this week, and the island experiencing rolling blackout.

P28 Mood food Lois Englberger of Pohnpei’s Island Food Community wants you to know that bananas are the “Good Mood Food” as the fruit contains tryptophan, which is a protein that the body turns into serotonin, which in turn helps you to relax?


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