T’was another night to remember on board the Republic of China, Taiwan flagship Pan-Shi last Wednesday where selected members from the community, VIPs from the government along with members of the Taiwanese community broke bread with crews of the visiting squadron.
Great food, entertainment and friendly social conversations followed the welcoming toast from Commanding Officer Rear Admiral Chiang, Cheng-Kuo.
For the finale, the seamen included the Marshallese and local Taiwanese counterparts in the aboriginal dance.
Earlier in the day, a portion of the naval group conducted a performance at Delap Park that showcased the eye-opening “Chikwondo” martial arts performance and the Squadron Drum and Bugle Marching Band drill. Meanwhile, the ROC basketball team defeated team Majuro in an exhibition basketball game at the SSG Staff Sergeant Solomon Sam Sport Center in Uliga.
Read more about this in the May 5, 2017 edition of the Marshall Islands Journal.