Journal 12/24/1982
P1 AMI 748 arriving Christmas eve The Airline of the Marshall Islands’ own BAC748 aircraft is scheduled to arrive 24 December. There was no room for Santa Claus because it is filled with spare parts. There will be an official handover ceremony at the airport for the 48-seat turbo prop plane. The first revenue flight for the 748 will be on Sunday 26 December.
P6 Sen. John ‘bitterly disappointed’ Enewetak Senator Ismael said December 24 he returned “bitterly disappointed” from the nuclear claims talks in Honolulu because they had broken down. As a result, the Enewetak people are pressing ahead with their $500 million lawsuit in the US Court of Claims.
Journal 12/23/1994
P1 A new store for Long Island The much anticipated opening of Robert Reimers Long Island Grocery store took place Thursday last week. An opening ceremony included a prayer by Fr. Jim of Assumption and a ribbon cutting at the store.In addition to the well-stocked shovels and butcher area, there will be a bakery and deli that will include Chinese dishes for takeout. Attending the opening were Robert and Lupe Reimers, and children Francis, Vincent, Ronnie, Reico and Ramsey.
P23 When being right is wrong Several right-hand drive vehicles, operated by the Ministry of Public Works, are now in police impound on the side of the main road in front of the police station. The vehicles were confiscated because they were violating the narrow legal terms under which the vehicles were originally granted permission to operate. Right-hand drive vehicles cannot be imported or operated in the Marshall Islands. The only exception is that the Ministry of Public Works may operate right-hand drive vehicles for heavy equipment use. “It was pretty evident that the vehicles we have impounded were being used after hours and on weekends,” said Commissioner Norman Jennings.
Journal 12/16/2005
P3 Gosper: Time for us to join Olympic club The Marshall Islands National Olympic Committee bid for international recognition took a big jump forward Tuesday when International Olympic Committee representative Kevan Gosper told President Kessai Note and local sports leaders that “everything is in line for Marshall Islands (membership).”
P12 Hollywood comes to Delap The final touches were put on the Entertainment Center’s sign late last week in anticipation of its weekend opening. The new Delap shop features DVDs, videos and computer games for rent or purchase. The shop is owned by TSL owners Mike and Athelta Slinger.
P21 The Catholic Centuries by Francis X. Hezel, SJ World War II brought its share of personal tragedy to all Marshallese, irrespective of their church affiliation. Carl Heine, the foreign-born trader who sank roots in the islands and became its foremost Protestant missionary, was executed by the Japanese in the early 1940s. Also executed were two Sacred Heart priests, Frs. Durand and Marquis, who set out from the Gilberts and were lost at sea for three weeks before washing up at Mili in September 1943. The priests, who were arrested and interrogated by the Japanese military police, suddenly vanished from sight until their bullet-ridden bodies were found offshore and secretly buried by some Gilbertese Catholics. Some Marshallese survived only by virtue of extraordinary fortitude and resourcefulness, like the young church elder on Likiep who, upon learning that he was marked for execution, swam across the lagoon towing his mother on a makeshift wooden plank and completed his escape to another atoll on a small boat.
P26 MEC powers to top of Prez Cup ladder The men of MEC Brits Two were the envy of every fisherman on Majuro last weekend when they brought home 590 pounds worth of marlin — a 359-pounder and another weighing in at 199 pods — in the Marshalls Billfish Tournament. These results pushed MEC into a whopping 850-point lead over Kirtake in the year-long President’s Cup.
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