Schools roll with bumpy start

Six classrooms at Majuro Middle School have been without chairs and tables since the start of school in mid-August. The chairs and tables are locked in an inaccessible container on the school campus since the Micronesian Games in June. Photo: Hilary Hosia.

The Public School System is experiencing a rough start in the beginning of the school year in regards to land disputes at Laura Elementary School.

The school is reported to have vacated the school grounds due to an unpaid lease, an issue that reached discussion on the Nitjela floor Tuesday this week.

Minster of Education, Sports and Training Joe Bejang said PSS had met with the affected people to resolve the problem. In the meantime, LES is holding half-day school sessions for students as the land dispute forced it to move all students into one set of classrooms that are insufficient to handle the number of students.

Meanwhile at Majuro Middle School, students in several classes are sitting on the floor in one classroom because their chairs and tables are still stowed away in containers.

MIHS and Middle School classrooms were emptied in the summer to house athletes in the Micronesian Games.

“Despite the lack of chairs and tables, the learning continues,” a teacher said on post on social media showing students sitting on the floor.

No chairs, no tables, no problem. The learning continues at Majuro Middle School. The attitude from the school without chairs is positive despite having six classrooms without their usual allotment of chairs and tables.

According to Principal Alvin Simon, the equipment is locked away in a container that is not accessible to the school and it would take a forklift to free the container from the rest of the containers that were stored at Marshall Islands High School campus before the Micronesian Games.

The container’s door is blocked off by two other containers and relevant authorities were notified on the matter weeks before school began.

A video online showed students sitting on the ground raised concerns, some arguing their uniforms will be soiled by sitting on the floor. In response, the school had the students dress down for classes.


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