Ground was broken for a new Training and Operation Center of Maritime Security and Safety for the RMI Ministry of Justice on April 6.
The project is funded by Japan as part of its FY2019 Grant Aid Economic and Social Development Program.
The ceremony was attended by Ambassador Kazunari Tanaka, President David Kabua, Ministers Christopher Loeak, Jack Ading, Jiba Kabua, and other Cabinet ministers, Toru Takagi, representing JICS which is the procurement agent for the project, Akihiko Sato, director of the main contractor NBK Cooperation of Japan, Jerry Kramer, CEO of PII, Hikoyuki Ukai, Representative of JICA, and Police Commissioner George Lanwi.
Ambassador Tanaka commended everyone involved, pointing out the program coincided with the global outbreak of Covid which caused delay for the project due to travel restrictions and global price increases.
The ambassador emphasized that this program will contribute to the realization of “Sustainable Oceans Based on the Rule of Law,” which is one of the priority areas of the 9th Pacific Islands Leaders Meeting in July 2021, and it is also consistent with “Ensuring peace and stability (maritime security),” one of the three pillars of Japan’s vision of a “Free and Open Indo-Pacific.”
Justice Minister Ading expressed his appreciation to the people and the government of Japan for the effort and support in construction of the building. The building will modernize maritime operations with equipment to enhance the Sea Patrol division’s ability to perform timely and accurate response to any emergencies or incidents.