Self interest hurts nation

Journal 8/24/1984

P1 Fish base groundbreaking Ground breaking ceremonies were held Wednesday for the start of the $2 million Majuro fishing base funded by Japan. Father Tom led the opening prayer, followed by speeches from President Amata Kabua, Lerooj Atama Zedkaia, Minister of Public Works Charles Domnick, Minister of Foreign Affairs Tony deBrum, and officials from Chodai and Tokai Kogyo companies.

P1 Marshalls team in 1st place at Kona Kirt Pinho reported to the Journal via satellite telephone from Kona that the first day of the Kona International Billfish Tournament, both Wally and Victor Milne caught good size marlin which earned them second place on the first day. On the second day, Wally brought in another marlin. This time it was a whopping big 546 pounder that kept them in first place. On the third day Wally again worked his magic to land another marlin, this time 150 pounds. And the Marshall Islands team remained in first place. There are two more days of fishing.

P5 Ronnie’s catch Ronnie Reimers passed up the Hawaiian International Fishing Tournament in Kona this year and went fishing around Majuro instead. He didn’t do too badly: He caught two marlin Sunday: one was 635 pounds, the other 180 pounds. 

Journal 8/23/1996

P1 Self-interest v self-reliance Laurence Edwards, Marshall Islands Ambassador to the United Nations, had some pointed words for top government officials in the Marshall Islands. In an interview, Edwards said that self-interest on the part of many island leaders is the reason the economy is so slow to develop. “Many leaders want to see how the economy will come into their own pockets, not into the pocket of the community and the country,” he said.

P1 All-Mikers: Can you beat this? 492 pounds is definitely a big marlin: it won MBC’s July tournament for Ronnie Reimers’ team: Baron Bigler, Gerry Smith, Truitt White and Jamal White.

P5 From Delap, with love Letter to editor: Do you know that the only place in the world charging salt water is Majuro? In Marshall Islands, fresh water is $6 per thousand gallons. Me and my brother both single, at least we spent 80 gallons per month, we have been charging $7 per month. Whoever made the salt water rate is something wrong in his head. Kosrae and Tinian are free water. Here in Majuro we charge with salt water more than fresh water. If that’s not look crazy to anyone who think about it, he must go to mental health for check up.

P13 Letao attracts thousands Thousands of children and adults delighted in the return of Letao, the Marshalls “magic man,” who returned briefly over the weekend with the Honolulu Theater for Youth. Letao and the cast of characters in the play, “…And the People Spoke Music,” played to jam-packed audiences three evenings in Majuro at RRE, before adjourning to Namdrik on Sunday for a final performance. That the play was in English did not seem to hinder understanding, since legends of Inedrel, Anañ and others were known to all, and spiced with Marshallese chants, songs and dances that bridged any communication gaps.

Journal 8/24/2007

P3 Our men of muscle The 2007 South Pacific Games will be held in American Samoa from August 25-September 8 with two RMI teams taking part. These will be wrestlers Waylon Muller and Jeton Anjain, Jr. with Coach Jae Guk Lee, and tennis players Shimiko and Elizabeth Nott. 

P9 ADB study hit by Cabinet ministers Nitijela held a special Committee of the Whole Tuesday to review the Juumemmej Social and Economic Report on the RMI. The Juumemmej report’s main point is that although the RMI receives large-scale donor funding, the results in health, education and the private sector do not reflect this level of funding. A number of government officials strongly objected to the critical nature of the Juumemmej summary report when it was issued last year.

P10 500-year-old bones found A new archeological discover was made last Friday in Laura that has Japanese archeologists excited over what they estimated could be 500-year-old remains of three Marshallese. 


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