Silia expands horizons with Red Cross

Silia Peter outside the Ministry of Health and Human Services office where she works when she’s not performing volunteer outreach with the Red Cross Society. Photo: Eve Burns.


Silia Peter has worked hard to earn her first aid and CPR license.
Silia, 23, has been a volunteer with Red Cross since 2017. She was recently recognized with a leadership award and first aid certificate. She was chosen because she advances Red Cross’ cause to train more people in first aid and CPR skills.

She has been involved in developing a local trainer program to help recruit more first aid instructors. Because she stuck with the program, and learned the skills needed, she has climbed up to be become a first aid instructor.

She started her journey with Red Cross with nothing but inspiration to work with people and a desire for making the Marshall Islands a better place. “Helping people makes me happy,” said Silia.

To became a licensed first aid instructor, Silia kept up with many classes and training opportunities to get to where she is today.

Silia graduated from Majuro Baptist Christian Academy, and continued her education at the University of South Pacific Majuro campus. She finished Preliminary and the Foundation Programs in 2019. She is currently working at the hospital as data entry person for Covid information. She is applying to get into University of Hawaii, Hilo to work on a bachelor’s degree majoring in criminal justice and minor in engineering.

Silia realized during her time of conducting outreach with Red Cross that many people don’t understand what Red Cross does, or in the case of Covid, people didn’t understand the condition levels the government has put into use. This inspired her to do more volunteer work to continue working with people in the community on these issues.
She encourages more youth to volunteer and help our community. “Becoming a volunteer, you learn a lot from the basic first aid training,” she said, adding: These are skills that can eventually lead to saving a life. Learning the skills and then being able to pass it on to others has been Silia’s greatest joy and accomplishment yet.

She advises youth who are planning to become volunteers to always remember that volunteering takes a lot of patience and to always humble yourselves. “Volunteering does have its moments and it’s the greatest feeling to see people you taught take what they learned and use it from time to time when needed,” said Silia.


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