Journal 9/20/1985
P13 Going for a gold record Skate-Em-Lã, the band that won Majuro’s recent top 20 competition, has just released a new tape featuring some of their hit songs, and new numbers. Entitled “Mour ilo Aelon Kein,” it was recorded by Bill Graham and remastered at a studio in Honolulu. It is available only at Robert Reimers in Majuro.
P14 Canfield’s practical programs leave mark Bob Canfield, like other heads of government departments, faced the usual budget cuts and hassles with the government bureaucracy, but until most agencies his department was constantly in the public eye. Even when times were tough, when he had to beg, borrow or steal to get some gasoline, or even a vehicle to put it in, he remained an optimist with a vision about what the police force could be. Canfield was Majuro’s police chief since last year and departed earlier in the month. His activism in getting Majuro and Ebeye police to the Palau Police Academy was just one part of his plans for broader upgrade of public safety. Whether the training, anti-litter, school safety, roadblock and other campaigns will continue after his departure remains to be seen. But he left a positive mark on Majuro.
P16 Hospital preps for opening The word is that the new hospital will really open in the near future. After two years of delays due to shipping problems and a defaulting contractor, the hospital is getting the finishing touches by construction workers.
Journal 9/19/1997
P1 Amatlain off to Tokyo Amatlain Kabua was sworn into office as the RMI ambassador to Japan last week in front of an audience of government officials and friends that packed the Cabinet conference room. The official ceremony was conducted by Chief Justice Dan Cadra.
P3 Annual tourney cancelled The fifth annual All Micronesia fishing tournament got off to a cracking start on Thursday evening with the boat draw at the Tide Table restaurant in Majuro. Kirt Pinho made the introductions and told the jokes as the teams were called up one by one to choose a boat and captain for the two days of competition. Gerry Smith read out the rules and MALGov representative Ladie Jack warmly welcomed the visiting teams. Competitors were in good spirits and looked forward to a weekend of good fishing — many even left the party early to guarantee a clear head in the morning. As it turned out, they could have, and subsequently did, party all weekend. The winds associated with tropical storm David which was passing close to the northern Marshalls grew stronger and by Friday morning gusts up to 29 knots were recorded. Marshalls Billfish Club officials decided to call off the day’s fishing and weather conditions remained the same through the weekend.
P6 Rehabilitation project to begin The Office of Insular Affairs and Rongelap leaders signed an agreement this week which will free up $8 million for starting construction and rehabilitation work on the uninhabited northern atoll. Senator Johnsay Riklon, Mayor James Matayoshi and Minister of Resources and Development Jiba Kabua signed an agreement this week.
Journal 9/19/2008
P3 Is RMI sleeping during emergency? The Marshall Islands government is not doing enough to address the state of economic emergency, a specially created government task force said last week. “The most pressing challenge remains the shortage of financial resources available to cover the rapidly rising cost of fuel supplies for electricity generation in the major population centers,” said a report from the Energy Task Force.
P28 Making it snappy at MIHS Selvenious Marvin Were you at the Marshall Islands graduation in June? If not then you missed a one-of-a-kind speech that any counselor has given to parents, students and staff of MIHS. The person that gave the speech was Richard Li. Man, his speech makes me think that I can do it. Do what? Things to surprifse the future — but how can I do that? As I was listening to Richard Li’s speech, I thought that I would do my very best in school and when I graduate from school I would get the jobs that might surprise everyone. It’s very complicated to tell what. Nowadays life is very hard. It’s the same that goes for school. When you bang your future on the things that are not appropriate in school like alcohol, you’re so busted. I suggest that you don’t fool around because you hold the future. Guard it. Some day you’ll be so proud as your families congratulate you, they might say: “Well done” or “I am so proud of you.”
P28 Eye opening visit to Beijing Young people from many different nations around the world, including the Marshall Islands, attended a Youth Olympic Camp in Beijing. Two of RMI’s talented youth attended the camp: The actor in Marshall Islands hit movie, “Morning Comes So Soon,” James Bing II, and Marshall Islands High School senior Samelda Leon. They were among approximately 200 youth who took part in the camp. The trip to the Great Wall of China was her best of all tours because of “how it was built and how magnificent it looked,” she told the Journal.
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