Journal 3/1/1985
P1 SPIA Majuro to start March 20 The much-awaited South Pacific Island Airways service to the Marshall Islands begins March 20 and SPIA is expected to offer substantial discounts over current airfare costs.
P4 Ebeye litterbugs facing extinction Litter-strewn beaches have been the rule rather than the exception on Ebeye — up until recently, that is. Keeping Ebeye clean has become a major emphasis of the local government and the results are visible already. Credit for this goes to people in the community and Joma Maie, the local government’s environmental protection/sanitation officer.
P11 APIL moves to Guam The Association of Pacific Island Legislatures April meeting has been switched from Majuro to Guam because of the large number of participants expected, a lack of hotel accommodations, and high travel costs, said APIL President Carl Gutierrez after meetings with RepMar officials here last week. The Marshalls is slated to host next year’s APIL meeting, reported the Pacific Daily News, noting that the Eastern Gateway, “a large new hotel,” is expected too be finished later this summer.
Journal 2/28/1997
P1 ‘For our children’ The exhilaration for Bikini elders of returning to their home island for the first time in 51 years was tempered by the solemn wreath-laying ceremony at the old and unkempt cemetery on the island. It reminded Emso Leviticus that she will likely not return to be buried here when she dies. More than 100 Bikinians converged on their home islands this week to mark March 1, the day their hopes of a swift return home were blown sky high in a mushroom cloud of nuclear test fallout from the Bravo test.
P7 NTA elects new board NTA voted in a new board of directors at its annual shareholders’ meeting February 19. The eight member board is comprised of Senator Rellong Lemari, Alex Bing, Alan Fowler, Grant Labaun, Dennis Momotaro, Dan Smith, Francis Reimers and Actson Riklon.
P10 Heading off to LA Three members of the newly established charter boat association are attending a sport fishing travel show next month in Los Angeles. OK Davis, Kenneth Kramer, and Gary Roberto will head to the show which could attract 200,000 anglers. The team met with Marshall Islands Visitors Authority representatives Ben Graham and Jan Bjarnason before departing.
Journal 2/29/2008
P3 Strauss, Obeketang on revamped NTA board A new-look board was elected for NTA at its annual general meeting Tuesday. Significant developments include only one elected official, Transportation and Communications Minister Dennis Momotaro, and new business sector members including Marshall Islands Chamber of Commerce President Hirobo Obeketang and outspoken private attorney David Strauss. Other new NTA board members include Hilda Heine, Lynn Milne and Sheldon Anjain. Continuing members are BOMI President Patrick Chen and RMI Taiwan Ambassador Alex Bing.
P4 MIHS teens work on their Errors An enthusiastic turnout of Marshall Islands High School students prompted theater coordinators to more than double the number of parts in a Shakespeare play to be performed in Majuro in April. This is the fifth consecutive year that Dartmouth College-related people have produced a Shakespeare play with MIHS students. This year’s play is A Comedy of Errors.
P11 UES kids soon to be ‘homeless’ again? Concern about progress in providing a new elementary school for students attending Uliga Elementary School dominated Monday’s session at Nitijela. The school facilities, which are now decayed and beyond use due to vandalism and lack of maintenance over the past two years have actually deteriorated beyond their original state of unacceptability. What is causing pressing concern is the impending termination of of a facilities sharing agreement with Assumption Elementary School. Assumption entered into a three-year contract to give the government school children free use of what was the Assumption cafeteria area and other parts of the school. During this time, the oceanside reef behind Office Mart was to have been filled, creating land for new school construction as well as recreational facilities. All needed landowner agreement was given to the project. It was supposed that the three-year breathing space would have been enough to provide for a new school.