Students get space view

Kwajalein Commander Col. Drew Morgan, wearing his astronaut uniform, asks a student for feedback during the live interaction with NASA astronauts in the International Space Station. Photo: Sherman Hogue.


Students at US Army Garrison–Kwajalein Atoll were chosen by NASA to conduct a down-link from the International Space Station to have questions answered by NASA Astronaut, US Space Force Col. Nick Hague and Flight Commander, Astronaut Sunita Williams.

Students, staff and family enjoyed watching the crew flip in zero gravity as they answered questions.

Students sent in 23 recorded questions which were sent to the International Space Station where Astronaut Hague could watch them and answer live.

NASA Astronaut US Space Force Col. Nick Hague and Flight Commander Astronaut Sunita Williams talk to USAG-KA students in the Marshall Islands from a zero-gravity room in the International Space Station. Photo: Sherman Hogue.

*USAG-KA Public Affairs Officer.


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