The College of the Marshall Islands (CMI) Youth Corps in collaboration with the RMI National Training Council (NTC) organized a closing ceremony at CMI last week Monday in honor of the 28 recipients who completed an eight-week summer boot camp.
This summer boot camp is a collaborative milestone between CMI and NTC to enrich the participants’ knowledge in welding, electrical, and automotive skills. After the two months of the internship program, participants will be looking to join the workforce to contribute to national development and generate income for themselves and their families.
Those in attendance of this closing ceremony were the participant’s families, friends, representative of NTC John Mar, Director of CMI’s Youth Corps Dustin Langidrik, CMI President Dr. Irene Taafaki, CMI Vice President for Student Affairs Dr. Elizabeth Switaj, CMI Chaplain Rikaki Clander Leyrose, and CMI Media “Jilel” team.
“We can build our resources and be resilient,” said President Taafaki. “By taking these young men and women to offer their skills and abilities for the construction work of this country.”
NTC’s Mar said,“everyone wants to be well paid but you have to start somewhere, this is your starting point.”
After their remarks, the recipients received their certificates with big smiles on their faces. Jeff Gold and Brandy Tisenjo represented the recipients in giving their takeaways from being part of the workshop.
“This program helped us enhance our capabilities,” said Gold. “To work for our friends, families, and our nation.”
Tisenjo, who had perfect attendance in the workshop, described it as being hard but an eye opener to overcome it with courage and perseverance. He sees how this program uplifts those without the means and knowledge to work with their two hands.
The lone female participant in the summer program was Cutline Heine.