By Journal on November 30, 2017
Chuuk, Chuuk lagoon, Floyd K. Takeuchi, John Fritz, Peter Christian, Peter Y. Sato, Xavier High School
News Archive

The Federated States of Micronesia and Japan in 2018 will mark 30 years of diplomatic relations with a yearlong series of events in Tokyo. The first will be an exhibit of photography of Chuuk Lagoon and Xavier High School by Floyd K. Takeuchi, which will be on display at the Japan International Cooperation Agency’s (JICA) […]
By Journal on October 6, 2017
Chloe Arnold, Chuuk, Coral and Ice Exchange, Danko Taborosi, Dylan Tellei, Greenland, Ilulissat Fjord, Karen Ehmes, Palau, Pohnpei
Feature Articles

GIFF JOHNSON The first “Coral and Ice Exchange” climate tour took two students from the FSM and one from Palau to the Canadian Arctic and Greenland to connect with students from the arctic region. The climate exchange was organized by Island Research and Education Initiative (iREi), a Pohnpei-based group focusing on research and educational projects […]
By Journal on February 24, 2017
Assumption School, Chuuk, Ladie Jack, Majuro Atoll Local Government, MALGov, Xavier High School
Feature Articles

Thanks to Majuro Atoll Local Government Mayor Ladie Jack, students taking the Xavier High School entrance exam last Saturday at Assumption School went home on a full stomach. Close to 50 students from various schools in Majuro, including a Marshall Islands High School student hoping to transfer, showed up for the annual test for students […]
By Journal on September 9, 2016
Chutomu Nimwes, Chuuk, education, teachers, Truk
Back In The Day

Journal 9/16/1977 P1 Shark bites teacher Taodoro Romolor was bitten by a shark near Agrihan, about 250 miles north of Saipan, according to Pacific Daily News. He was flown to Guam by Navy helicopter where he underwent emergency surgery on his left arm. A hospital spokesman said his arm will not be lost. Romolor is […]
By Journal on April 15, 2016
Chuuk, Xavier
News Archive

Xavier High School in Chuuk announced earlier this week it would accept eight upcoming freshmen from Marshall Islands following an entrance test that was given to over 200 eighth graders in Majuro, Ebeye and Jaluit. Although the same test was given to the three atolls, only eight from Majuro passed. Majuro Middle School made history […]