By Journal on February 9, 2023
Aloha Affordable Veterinary Services, Bikendrik Island, Delap Elementary School, Dr. Kelly Dowdall-Garberson, Hawaii, Kylie Hancock, Marshall Islands Resort, perform surgerie, Prue Palmer, RMI Loves Animals, Stephanie Dobbs
News Archive

Since stepping off a plane last week Thursday February 2, a team of veterinarians have had their hands full helping sick or injured dogs and cats, as well as helping to reduce the capital’s future dog population by spaying or neutering dogs. The team from Aloha Affordable Veterinary Services in Hawaii partnered with the locally-based […]
By Journal on April 2, 2020
Eve Burns, Figi, Giff Johnson, Guam, Hawaii, Marshallese, RMI EPA
News Archive

GIFF JOHNSON Top RMI leaders are reportedly considering the possibility of a charter flight to return home Marshallese citizens stranded in Hawaii, Guam and elsewhere by the Covid-19 coronavirus travel ban. This comes as Cabinet is scheduled to meet Thursday this week to consider the recommendations from the National Disaster Committee for either a 14-day […]
By Journal on December 13, 2019
Arno, Hawaii, Hilary Hosia, Majuro, Majuro Hospital, Minister Nidel Lorak, Nitojela
Feature Articles

Flags flew at half-mast this week for six-term Arno Senator and Minister Nidel Lorak, who died recently at Majuro hospital. The government held a state funeral at Nitijela Wednesday this week. He served in Nitijela from 1992 to 2016, and was minister of four different ministries. After graduating with a BA from the University of […]
By Journal on June 20, 2019
Chinilla Pedro Peter, EHDI, Hawaii, Kelly Lorennij, Marshall Islands, Ysunit weirather
News Archive

KELLY LORENNIJ The Marshall Islands Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) program conducted screening and follow up surgeries for babies and young children on Ebeye and Majuro the past two weeks. EHDI, with the aid of University of Hawaii managing the program grant, brought in a team of specialists to continue their ongoing hearing intervention […]
By Journal on May 31, 2019
Defence Nuclear Agency, Giff Johnson, Hawaii
News Archive

GIFF JOHNSON The 18-kiloton atomic bomb test “Cactus” detonated at Enewetak Atoll in May 1958 was, by all accounts, unremarkable. At 18 kilotons, it was smaller than the atomic bombs that had leveled Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the end of World War Two, and paled in contrast to the massive hydrogen bomb tests that were […]
By Journal on May 8, 2017
Catherine Murphy-Hardin, Dr. Mary Hattori, education, Hawaii, Hemetlynn Alberttar, Hilda Heine, Suzanne Chutaro, Wilbur Heine
News Archive

The Honolulu-based Marshallese community celebrated the achievements of Marshallese students at the 10th Annual Marshallese Education Day (MED) event last Saturday at McCoy Pavilion. Education Minister Wilbur Heine, who attended the event on behalf of President Hilda Heine, congratulated the 43 Marshallese students from various schools on Oahu for making it into their respective school’s […]