By Journal on April 9, 2020
Amata Kabua, Coronavirus, Ebeye, Figi, Majuro, Marshallese, Tarawa, Utah
News Archive

GIFF JOHNSON A large group of missionaries from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS) departed the Marshall Islands and Kiribati Saturday on a specially chartered Fiji Airways aircraft — a response to the coronavirus pandemic sweeping the world. Approximately 50 LDS missionaries boarded the flight in Majuro, which followed a similar number […]
By Journal on April 2, 2020
Eve Burns, Figi, Giff Johnson, Guam, Hawaii, Marshallese, RMI EPA
News Archive

GIFF JOHNSON Top RMI leaders are reportedly considering the possibility of a charter flight to return home Marshallese citizens stranded in Hawaii, Guam and elsewhere by the Covid-19 coronavirus travel ban. This comes as Cabinet is scheduled to meet Thursday this week to consider the recommendations from the National Disaster Committee for either a 14-day […]
By Journal on December 19, 2019
Isaac Marty, Majuro, Marshallese, United States
News Archive

Most Marshallese living in RMI will say that job opportunities, education, health or family visits are the main reasons that they leave to the United States. But a recent survey of Marshallese to identify the “drivers” of out-migration suggests environmental factors are increasingly in the mix of reasons why people are departing the Marshall Islands. […]
By Journal on December 23, 2016
Election, Marshallese, November election, postal ballots, Ralik Ratak Democratic Party
Back In The Day

Journal 12/23/1977 P4 Nauru housewarming in Saipan The Nauru local government announced the scheduled opening date of the new Nauru Building, which is near completion on Saipan. The seven-story structure, completed with escalators, four elevators and revolving restaurant on top, will be ready for occupants by January 31. P6 Time abusers at work You can’t […]
By Journal on July 22, 2016
Alfred Capelle, Byron W. Bender, Evelyn Konou, Hilda Heine, Marshallese, Wilbur Heine
Feature Articles

Alfred Capelle, Chair of the Marshall Islands’ Customary Law and Language Commission, recently presented the new book titled Marshallese Reference Grammar to President Hilda Heine at the President’s Office, and also delivered a copy to Education Minister Wilbur Heine and Public School System Commissioner Evelyn Konou. Capelle co-authors the book along with Byron W. Bender, […]
By Journal on February 5, 2016
COFA, David Anitok, FAS, Marshallese, Micronesian, Oregon, Oregon House Bill 4071
Feature Articles
Efforts by the Marshallese and Micronesian community to get the Oregon State Legislature to extend health care services to citizens of the freely associated states took a step forward in January, when the Legislative Council endorsed the draft legislation and assigned it a bill number. This follows an initiative started last year, in which the […]