Kelly Lorennij

Learning from Japan’s disasters

Learning from Japan’s disasters

KELLY LORENNIJ Lessons on Japan natural disasters are easily accessible in museums and memorials. One such institution is the Great Hanashinawaji Earthquake Memorial fixed in Kobe where even schoolchildren visit for simplified simulations of tsunami and earthquake attacks. The memorial museum is a form of community initiative. It displays bent instruments, handwritten notes and photographs […]

Pink party promotes cancer action

Pink party promotes cancer action

KELLY LORENNIJ “Health is the highest right of an individual,” President Hilda Heine remarked at the Breast Cancer Awareness Pink Tea Party where supporters and survivors filled up Marshall Islands Resort’s Lomalo Room with strength, tears and a lot of pink. Heine recounted the story of women coming together to raise funds and purchase a […]

RMI uniqueness on display

RMI uniqueness on display

KELLY LORENNIJ A two-day film project on the internal migration of Marshallese youth highlighted culture, challenges, and solutions in the outer islands and atolls. A total of 12 participants from college and high school were recruited, with the help of CMI first-year and Ri-Majuro Molly Alik, for this International Office of Migration (IOM) and Okeanos […]

Enjoying CMI’s new library

Enjoying CMI’s new library

KELLY LORENNIJ No more two-hour bus rides to the College of the Marshall Islands (CMI) now that commuting students from Ajeltake to Laura have been gifted with a new library at CMI-Arrak campus. The Arrak campus is conveniently located for students living in the Ajeltake to Laura area. The Arrak campus held an opening ceremony […]