Neal Skinner

Population explosion

Population explosion

Journal 1/19/1982 P7 Kendall: Marshall Islands fully capable of self-governmentActing President Wilfred Kendall told visiting US Congressmen of the Marshalls’ “hope for true self-government in the best ideals of your own people, and that means an early end to the United Nations Trusteeship over our islands.” Later, Kendall added: “We hope you will carry back […]

Innovation was Neal’s calling card

Innovation was Neal’s calling card

GIFF JOHNSON Neal Skinner, who developed EZ Price Mart into one of Majuro’s most successful businesses after starting out selling goods on outdoor tables, died this past weekend in the United States after an extended battle with cancer. He was 68. Neal sailed into Majuro in 1979 on his yacht Snowdrop, working first with Kirt […]

Making shorelines resilient

Making shorelines resilient

“It works!” This is the word from Riem Simon, project manager for Coastal Island Protection Service, a hands-on, get the job done program of improving shoreline barriers against encroaching ocean levels and general erosion. Simon was referring to Bikirin Island on the north shore of Majuro Atoll, where over a year ago, rocks enclosed in […]