Trash talking in our schools

Trash talking in our schools

The Clean School Program has distributed three wire trash bins to 15 schools on Majuro earlier this month. The Clean School Program is leaded by RMI EPA Education and Awareness Division and supported by Public School System, Majuro Atoll Waste Company, MALGov and Japan International Cooperation Agency. The aim of this project is to reduce […]

EPA lab gets US certification

EPA lab gets US certification

The RMI EPA Majuro water quality laboratory was re-certified last week to analyze drinking water under the Colilert Method and marine and other surface water samples under the Enterolert Method.  The US Freely Associated States Laboratory Certification Program issued the re-certification for a two-year term following review of the laboratory.  During the certification audit, Majuro […]

US EPA helps us with quality of water

US EPA helps us with quality of water

Is your water acidic or basic? Does it have a lot of oxygen, a little; or something in-between? What is the water temperature, is it salty, and how cloudy is it? What is the concentration of chlorophyll-containing algae floating around? The RMI EPA will start answering these questions when taking routine water samples from water […]