By Journal on January 31, 2019
Ludwig Kumoru, Parties to the Nauru Agreement, PNA, VDS, Vessel Day Scheme
News Archive

Expansion of the vessel day scheme (VDS) to cover longline fleets, development of new business plans to guide work of the Parties to the Nauru Office (PNAO), and stepped up management of fish aggregating devices are among key areas of work the PNAO and the Parties will focus on in 2019.
By Journal on March 9, 2018
Doreen deBrum, Federated States of Micronesia, fisheries, Kiribati, Ludwig Kumoru, Nauru, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Parties to the Nauru Agreement, PNA, Rebecca Lathrop, Republic of the Marshall Islands, Solomon Islands, Tokelau, Tuvalu, VDS, Vessel Day Scheme
Feature Articles

Eight PNA countries plus Tokelau celebrated Wednesday night with a groundbreaking ceremony for a new four-story headquarters building, set to replace the old Won Hai Shien building on Uliga Dock on Majuro. Ministers from the member countries donned helmets and vests and shoveled dirt, commemorating the event. The event was held in the lead up […]
By Journal on June 22, 2017
Giff Johnson, Hilda Heine, Ludwig Kumoru, Mose Pelasio, Parties to the Nauru Agreement, PNA, Puakena Boreham, VDS, Vessel Day Scheme
News Archive

Ministers from the Parties to the Nauru Agreement (PNA) launched their 12th annual meeting in Majuro Wednesday. President Hilda Heine recognized the organization for growing fisheries revenue of members nations from $60 million to nearly $500 million in seven years. She urged the fisheries leaders not to be complacent because of PNA’s success, but instead […]
By Journal on November 11, 2016
FAD, FIMS, fishery, Herman Kisokau, Ludwig Kumoru, Patricia Jack, PNA, tuna, VDS
News Archive

How do you manage a multi-billion dollar fishery in nine distinct fishing zones with multiple nations fishing? Five years ago, it was mostly done with a hand calculator and pencil, and by transmitting data by email or fax. Today, the fishery that is generating $400 million a year to nine Pacific islands is managed by […]
By Journal on July 28, 2016
ADB, Dr. Transform Aqorau, fisheries, fishery, PNA, VDS
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An Asian Development Bank report on Pacific island economies recognizes the Parties to the Nauru Agreement’s vessel day scheme (VDS) as “an outstanding global example of coastal states taking control of a fishery based on highly migratory stocks” that resulted in a more than tripling of revenue to PNA members from 2010 to 2014. But […]
By Journal on April 14, 2016
Dr. Transform Aqorau, PNA, Prime Minister John Key, VDS
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A Pacific island fisheries bloc has unanimously decided to maintain a management system that has increased revenue to the islands by over 500 percent in the past six years. Despite criticism by countries outside of this western and central Pacific fishery of a management system used to regulate the tuna industry, fisheries officials from the […]
By Journal on November 20, 2015
Dr. Transform Aqorau, longliner, Papua New Guinea, PNA, Tokelau, VDS
News Archive

The PNA plan to implement a Vessel Day Scheme (VDS) for the longliner fishing industry in the western and central Pacific received a boost recently with the agreement of Papua New Guinea and Tokelau to join the five PNA nations that had triggered the plan at the end of last year. This brings six of […]