Vessel Day Scheme

3 island tuna deal signed

3 island tuna deal signed

GIFF JOHNSON For decades, the Marshall Islands and other Pacific Islands struggled with how to generate more revenue from the commercial tuna industry. Now, a three-nation agreement signed Monday in Honiara, Solomon Islands, could be the latest game-changer for Pacific fisheries cooperation. Beginning in the 1980s, island nations for the first time began selling licenses […]

PNA: Tuna stocks in good shape

PNA: Tuna stocks in good shape

Key outcomes from the Parties to Nauru Agreement’s 18th annual meeting in the Solomon Islands were the continuing achievements of PNA in 2022-23, the ongoing success of the Vessel Day Scheme, and the fact that the purse seiner fishery and the VDS revenue were stable through the Covid-19 pandemic and strong La Niña period. According […]

PNA groundbreaking ceremony

PNA groundbreaking ceremony

Eight PNA countries plus Tokelau celebrated Wednesday night with a groundbreaking ceremony for a new four-story headquarters building, set to replace the old Won Hai Shien building on Uliga Dock on Majuro. Ministers from the member countries donned helmets and vests and shoveled dirt, commemorating the event. The event was held in the lead up […]

Big bucks team meets in Majuro

Big bucks team meets in Majuro

Ministers from the Parties to the Nauru Agreement (PNA) launched their 12th annual meeting in Majuro Wednesday. President Hilda Heine recognized the organization for growing fisheries revenue of members nations from $60 million to nearly $500 million in seven years. She urged the fisheries leaders not to be complacent because of PNA’s success, but instead […]