Teams collect summer moolah

MALGov Sports Coordinator Chris Makphie, center back, joined with MALGov council members and team representatives to handover the prizes for the boys and girls teams that competed in the summer league. Photo: Hilary Hosia.

Cash prizes were awarded last week to winning teams that participated in the Majuro Atoll Local government (MALGov) summer league.

League Coordinator Chris Makphie presided over the award ceremony at the MALGov City Hall.

The summer league featured three sports categories: 15-under basketball for boys, 15-under volleyball for girls and 12-under basketball for boys.

Team Lijakwe came in third place in the 15-under girls’ volleyball tournament followed by Rosemelu in second and Ele Tutu in first place.

For the 15-under boys’ basketball tournament, Team Ajeltake came in third place while Team Money B secured second place. Team Nan Ban secured first place in the event.

Team Lekre placed third in the 12-under category while Jenrok Labuk secured second place after losing to tournament champions and first place winner team PUBG.


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