Thinking outside the box is second nature to Six9Too Productions head honcho Daniel Kramer. Concern about coronavirus forced cancellation of Kramer’s much-anticipated spring break and summer concerts.
But there are always opportunities and Kramer is gearing for a big, live-streamed concert aimed primarily at Marshallese living in the United States.
Kramer sees it as a way to bring people together in a time of huge health and financial stress for Marshallese communities everywhere.
“We want to reach out to our communities in the US through the ‘Kotak Dron’ concert, to send a message of hope,” Kramer said. The message of this Marshallese phrase is to “uplift” people’s spirits and hopes.
He’s aiming for the concert to be live-streamed in late August through Six9Too Productions’ Facebook page. The challenge for Kramer putting this together is that his concert productions are never entirely supported by either ticket sales or sponsorships. Since this one must be limited to sponsor support, because it is not a public ticket-selling event, it’s a challenge.
“We can’t do a live concert because there is no guarantee we won’t have a lockdown, and some may not support a big gathering, so we have to rely on 100 percent sponsorship for this concert,” Kramer said. He’s already lined up a few sponsors, and was hoping to add several more to cover costs of the production. He noted the Ministry of Health and Human Services is one of the sponsors and the concert gives the ministry the opportunity to get health messages out to people watching the concert.
The concert will actually be produced from Kramer’s parents’ lagoon side residence, which can be secured. He has already lined up numerous bands for the event, including headliners such as Laura Settlers, Jabubu, Tiplers, Jabat Deep Blue Sea, Ine String Band, Faith Band, Blackout, Zeah, Rosie, Boya and Julia, and numerous other local signers.
He explained that his Blackout band provides the music for a number of the singers, who have been practicing for weeks in preparation.
“Everyone who sings with my band has been practicing two months ahead,” he said. “My shows go a certain way. I don’t want performers up on stage saying ‘what song is next and what key?’”
Putting on a professional show is his style and he’s lined up some of the top musicians in the RMI to do just that. “This is a way to bring people together,” he said.