Tobolar’s 33-year dream was fulfilled with the opening of its very own rear cart factory at its Delap compound last month. The facility came through Tobolar funding and it is 40ft long by 30ft wide and includes three engines or small machines for cutting, bending, and welding iron materials into rear carts.
Tobolar Deputy General Manager Jim Philippo recognized Muramatsu Vehicle Company President Mitsuo Yamada and Tomakomai Hokuso Koun Kaisha Sales Manager Shinya Adachi, present during the ceremony, for training and helping Tobolar establish the rear cart factory.
Tobolar staff Timi Ebort and Mithen Nathan received rear cart manufacturing and processing skills in Japan in December. So far, two carts have been made. It takes a day to make one cart, confirmed Philippo. Tobolar is aiming to make four a day. Iron is the main material for production. Stainless steel, and aluminum are on the list for future development.
Yamada stated in his remarks that his company will continue its support to Tobolar.
“This is a great tool and a blessing to our people,” said RMI Council of Irooj (House of Chiefs) Representative Irooj Lejje Loeak in his remarks. Harvesting coconuts is much easier using rear carts, especially for the outer islands.