Urantha, 67, a great grad

Urantha Jibas and CMI Dean Rigieta Lord celebrate following Urantha’s graduation from CMI’s ABE program on Kili Island July 5. Photo: CMI ABE.

Determination has no limits and Urantha Jibas is proof.
The 67-year-old graduated this week from the Adult Basic Education (ABE) program, formerly known as GED, under the College of Marshall Islands.

Urantha was one of 12 graduates from the CMI Distant Learning Center in Kili Island.
The group held their ceremony this past Tuesday.

Dean of Workforce, Adult and Vocational Educational Services Rigieta Lord is inspired by Urantha’s determination to complete the program, adding, Urantha fell ill while in the program but later fought back and took the final tests and passed.

Urantha is an Executive Councilman for the Kili/Bikini/Ejit local government. His sons includes Parliament Vice Speaker Peterson Jibas, KBE Mayor Anderson Jibas and Executive Councilman Nixon Jibas.


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