US-RMI: 36 years young

As First Lady Ginger Kabua, foreground, enjoys the moment, leaders line up to cut the cakes. From left: Minister Wilbur Heine, Council of Irooj Chair Jimata Kabua, President David Kabua, Ambassador Roxanne Cabral, Interior’s Fred Nysta, Speaker Kenneth Kedi, Works Minister Jiba Kabua, and NRC Minister John Silk. Photo: Wilmer Joel.


The US Embassy and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs put together an event commemorating the 36th anniversary of the Compact of Free Association last Friday at ICC.

“Let us work together to find the solutions to the challenges that affect us all,” said Ambassador Roxanne Cabral. “Because of our shared history and our shared values, we are motivated to address challenges and work together toward a brighter future for all of us.”

She added that America is ready to assist the Marshallese people under the Compact.“This relationship is very strong and I hope that Marshalls, America, and its partners including Taiwan, Japan, and Australia will work together to strengthen democracy.”

Acting Foreign Minister Jiba Kabua reflected on the legacy of the Compact and its strategic and economic importance.

“The Compact has had a profound effect on our daily lives,” he said. “We look forward to its continuation in addressing issues of concern to the people of the Marshall Islands including nuclear legacy and the existential threat of climate change. We can address these issues by working together.”

Ambassador Cabral and Minister Kabua ended things with the cutting of cakes.

The Compact of Free Association between the Marshall Islands and United States was enacted on October 21, 1986. The agreement focuses on providing resources in the areas of education, health care, infrastructure, and national security.


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