Journal 5/4/1982
P1 US and Marshalls far apart on radiation pact The governments of the United States and the Marshall Islands are still talking about political status matters but negotiations on an agreement on compensation and programs for radiation-affected people have virtually ended. The lawyers for the Marshall Islands Atomic Testing Litigation Project (MIATLP) representing numerous atolls and thousands of people left May 1. From talking with the few observers and officials left and willing to talk, it is clear that the US offer was so far below what RepMar had requested on behalf of itself and the different groups of radiation-affected people that the lawyers felt there was nothing worth talking about.
P2 Bands battle for number 1 All the bands, five of them from Laura, were good from a musical point of view. It was fun watching the guys making jokes and shaking their legs the Elvis way. One of the hot bands Sunday night was the Laura Settlers. It was clear from the crowd’s cheers and whistles. The lead singer, Walter, despite his missing one front tooth, gave one of the best performances. Other bands giving good performances were Tippler, Purple Ace, MTU Cucumber and Skate ’em Lã.
Journal 5/6/1994
P1 RMI $ billions from world’s waste? The initiative to consider the feasibility of storing the world’s nuclear waste in the Marshall Islands “is a very serious undertaking” that must meet stringent international regulations, said the Marshall Islands ambassador to the United States. Ambassador Wilfred Kendall, chairman of the presidentially appointed National Commission for the Protection and Maintenance of Global Health, Environment, Peace and Security, said that scientists and governmental scientific bodies in the US and Europe are being consulted on a proposal to store nuclear materials on islands that are contaminated from nuclear test fallout. The Marshall Islands government has prepared a detailed proposal recommending a feasibility study for long-term storage and permanent disposal of nuclear materials in the Marshall Islands.
P1 Big 44th Robert Reimers Enterprises celebrated its birthday over the weekend with its Iron Man II triathlon. The obstacle course was the highlight of the event for the crowd and the 24 competitors, including two Iron Women, Kelly Hanlon and Meghan Donahue.
P2 Con-Con amendment need spices up May 1 Lerooj Toej Albattar, speaking on behalf of Majuro Mayor Amatlain Kabua, briefly described the background leading to the separation of the RMI from the other districts in Micronesia and the adoption of a unique constitution. Her remarks were expanded on by Nitijela Speaker Kessai Note, who brought the listeners to awareness of the upcoming Constitution Convention delegate election and the convention itself, which is scheduled for later this year. Then, speaking at some length and detail about the intended Constitutional Convention, Minister of Interior and Outer Island Affairs Brenson Wase made specific reference to particular items of consideration which he felt should be addressed at the ConCon. Specifically mentioned were the need for consideration of search and seizure procedures under the Bill of Rights, the need for the court system to further enhance both the custom and language of the nation, the need to address perceived problems in the area of citizenship awarding, and improvements needed in the nation’s Public Service Commission.
P3 Fast break specialists Pohnpei State’s basketball team left Majuro Tuesday with the Constitution Day 1994 trophy after defeating the Marshalls 75-70 on Saturday. Pohnpei split its two basketball games in Majuro, but won the big game against the Marshalls national team. Meanwhile, a fired up Golden Jets team nipped the visitors in overtime, 72-70. For the Marshalls team, Robert Pinho led with 17, Peter Tokanang scored 13 and Paul Kattil hit for 10.
Journal 5/6/2005
P1 Chen: ROC ties to keep growing Republic of China/Taiwan President Chen Shui-bian’s first-ever state visit to the Marshall Islands is now a piece of history — and every bit about the visit made history for Chen and the RMI, but perhaps nothing more than Chen’s ride with President Kessai Note on an outrigger canoe Monday afternoon.
P8 Cocaine still a big problem on Ebeye More than a year after professionally bundled packages of cocaine washed ashore at Kwajalein Atoll, the drug continues to be a major problem in the Ebeye community. An estimated 60 pounds was received by police and ultimately destroyed. But the fact that cocaine continues to be sold on Ebeye more than 14 months later is raising concern among police and others that a much larger amount of cocaine was actually found by some local residents and never turned into the police.