In the blessing of afternoon showers last Friday, President David Kabua, ROC/Taiwan Ambassador Jeffrey Hsiao, and Education Minister Kitlang Kabua joined in the groundbreaking ceremony for renovation of the USP tennis courts.
The project was initiated and funded by ROC government and local enterprise True Value. The renovated courts can be used as facilities for training of a national tennis team and one of the venues for the 2022 Micronesian Games.
“This project carries great significance for the RMI at this stage, for the Marshall Islands is going to host 2022 Micronesian Games,” said Hsiao. “We hope the renovated court can be used for training of national tennis team and one of the venues for the Games.
Let’s imagine, on this court, in front of our passionate home crowd, RMI’s players win a victory over competitors at the Micronesian Games. It would be one of the most cheerful moments for all of us.”
Hsiao recognized Taiwanese entrepreneur and True Value founder Almon Chien, an avid tennis player, for his support of the renovation project. “True Value is not only the designer and contractor of this project, but also a generous donor,” said Hsiao. “Of course, the credit should go to Dr. Irene Taafaki and the USP. Before Irene takes her new job, she leaves a terrific gift to the USP.”