By Journal on June 12, 2020
College of the Marshall Islands, Dr. Irene Taafaki, Wilmer Joel
Feature Articles

Dr. Irene Taafaki took over as the new President of the College of the Marshall Islands June 1 in an inauguration ceremony at the Uliga campus. Taafaki, who has led the University of the South Pacific program and now campus in Majuro for decades, praised her predecessor, outgoing CMI President Dr. Theresa Koroivulaono, for leaving […]
By Journal on May 1, 2020
Almon Chien, Dr. Irene Taafaki, Helon Zedkaia, May Chien, Minister Kitlang Kabua, President David Kabua, ROC Ambassador Jeffrey Hsiao, USP tennis court
Feature Articles

In the blessing of afternoon showers last Friday, President David Kabua, ROC/Taiwan Ambassador Jeffrey Hsiao, and Education Minister Kitlang Kabua joined in the groundbreaking ceremony for renovation of the USP tennis courts. The project was initiated and funded by ROC government and local enterprise True Value. The renovated courts can be used as facilities for […]
By Journal on March 1, 2018
Alson Kelen, Andrew Garrod, Berlin Philippo, Beverly Johnson, Dr. Irene Taafaki, Eve Burns, Hannah Reimers, Kelyna Glanry, Kimber Rilometo, Mathilda Johnson, Selina Leem, Tamara Greenstone Alefaio, United World College
News Archive

KELLY LORENNIJ Two United World College (UWC) scholarships have been awarded to sophomore Hannah Reimers from Majuro Cooperative School and Berlin Philippo, who is in her junior year at Assumption High School. Reimers will join Bertine Lakjohn who is currently finishing her first year at UWC International School of Asia, Karuizawa (ISAK) in Japan. ISAK […]
By Journal on September 7, 2017
Dr. Irene Taafaki, Kathy Jetnil-Kijiner, Michael Kabua, Rebecca Lathrop, Susan Jieta, University of the South Pacific, USP
News Archive

REBECCA LATHROP The University of the South Pacific campus at Long Island continues to evolve into a showcase university facility. The newest addition is a weaving house, designed with encouragement, guidance and technical advice from Irooj Michael Kabua and constructed by workers from Namu. Kabua cut the ribbon Monday morning, officially opening the weaving house […]
By Journal on December 18, 2015
Caoline Yacoe, Dr. Irene Taafaki, jaki-ed, Maria Kabua Fowler, USP, woven mats
Feature Articles

CAROLINE YACOE Woven mats, hats, purses, baskets, fans, wall hangings and jewelry from the Marshall Islands, Hawaii, French Polynesia, Nauru, Guam and Kiribati festively adorned the new space at Long Island Conference Center now part of the University of the South Pacific campus in Majuro. As the third such gathering of Pacific weavers it demonstrated […]