Kimber Rilometo

Miss Pacific wraps happy RMI visit

Miss Pacific wraps happy RMI visit

HILARY HOSIA Miss Pacific Islands Moemoana Schwenke and her small entourage were serenaded with a night of entertainment filled with hugs and plates full of food on her last day in the Marshall Islands with a farewell in her honor at the Marshall Islands Resort last Friday. Miss Pacific said she was filled with immense […]

SSG Sam’s family honored

SSG Sam’s family honored

Kosraen soldiers stationed in Fort Hood, Texas started a softball tournament in 2018 to honor soldiers who have died from the Micronesia region, including RMI, and to bring pride to the loved ones left behind. The fourth annual Island Warriors Memorial softball tournament is happening the July 4 weekend in Killeen, Texas. In addition to […]

2 RMI students win UWC 2-year ride

2 RMI students win UWC 2-year ride

KELLY LORENNIJ Two United World College (UWC) scholarships have been awarded to sophomore Hannah Reimers from Majuro Cooperative School and Berlin Philippo, who is in her junior year at Assumption High School. Reimers will join Bertine Lakjohn who is currently finishing her first year at UWC International School of Asia, Karuizawa (ISAK) in Japan. ISAK […]