The Ozmoflo depot in Adelaide, Australia was abuzz with activity two weeks ago as they prepared KAJUR’s new Salt Water Reverse Osmosis (SWRO) plant for shipping to Ebeye.
KAJUR Project Unit Manager Ed Bobo said Ozmoflo built the 430,000 gallons per day SWRO plant at their facility in North Adelaide. “The plant took two days to load and seal in six containers,” he said. “The containers are expected to arrive in Ebeye in early February.”
In preparation for the new SWRO plant, Bobo said that Ebeye’s utility company KAJUR has to construct two new saltwater wells and remove the old non-working 100,000 gallon a day RO unit. “Once the new SWRO plant arrives on island it will take approximately two months to install and commission the new plant,” he said.
KAJUR General Manager Romeo Alfred said that the Ozmoflo contract also includes maintaining the plant for two years after commissioning and providing KAJUR staff with training.
“This is the first project under the $19 million Ebeye water supply and sanitation project (EWSSP) and the first stage in securing Ebeye’s future water needs,” said Alfred.
Read more about this in the December 23, 2016 edition of the Marshall Islands Journal.