Where there’s a will…

Did a McDonald’s-themed birthday party at Majuro Coop Schoo’s third grade class go over well? Just look at a these smiles. Parents of student Jerel “JJ” Anitok, Jr. (with the biggest smile next to the cake) organized the event last Friday for their now-nine-year-old son. Photo: Fumiko Wase Anitok.

The power of networking and love of parents to a son can move mountains.
In this case, a McDonald’s-themed birthday for one lucky Jerel Anitok, Jr. at Majuro Cooperative School’s third grade was the result.

The parents knew their soon-to-be nine-year old had been craving McDonald’s for three years since relocating to Majuro from California.

A plan went into motion at the end of March: with the right people onboard, items were agreed to be sent from a McDonald’s in Oregon — to include Happy Meal boxes, burger wrappers, French fry cones, cups and straws.

Flat-rate USP box had items in Majuro within two weeks, by which time the parents had already coordinated with famed baker Jojit Tomenio at K&K Island Pride for the finishing touches.

Tomenio wrapped burgers and fries from K&K Supermarket and added a customized McDonald’s cake. The end result was priceless as shown by JJ and classmates.


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