Youth enjoy talent show, fireside

LDS Church young people showed off their talents during the weekend conference talent show. Photo: Wilmer Joel.

The stake youth leadership of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints organized a three-day youth conference last week with the theme, “I can do all things through Christ which strengthen me,” taken from Philippians 4:13. The stake youth conference is an annual gathering for youth from seven of the wards, from Laura to Rita.

The youth took part in a talent show on the first day of the conference last Friday on Long Island, which led to entertaining dancing and singing performances. The leaders and the youth danced together on the dance floor to end the event. It has been some time since this kind of activity was resumed, according to the LDS Stake Youth Leadership.

The following morning, they engaged in community service by cleaning inside and surrounding Jurelang Zedkaia National Park. Stake Young Women President and Uliga Councilwoman Neilani Ackley provided trash bags and gloves. The latter-day saints collected more than four trash bags of garbage and dropped them off at the Majuro Atoll Waste Company. The stake youth leaders donated a chunk of the leftover plates to the patients in the emergency rooms and MAWC workers.

The final day of the conference was a stake youth fireside at the Long Island Chapel Sunday. It included testimonies and talks by high school graduates and young single adults who have been called to serve a mission.


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