Marshallese Be Like

Be Like, We Like!

Be Like, We Like!

HILARY HOSIA Why Jack Niedenthal is the “Jack of all trades”: He ran for Nitijela without a Jowi, brought the fabled Noniep to life, transformed into Bingonella, summoned Batmon, walks off with large objects without noticing like large bathroom keys, and lately, created the first film festival in the islands — Marshallese Be Like Film […]

Ben and Vivian are di-vine!

Ben and Vivian are di-vine!

The world premiere of “Marshallese Be Like” will be held at this Saturday’s Jambo Arts festival in the Lomalo Room at the MIR. The film will show at 8 PM and stars Ben Wakefield, who played Batmon in the latest from Microwave Films, Batmon vs Majuro, and Vivian Niedenthal, who helped direct and also acted […]