Journal 10/26/1984
P1 RRE looking good You thought you walked into the Ala Moana shopping center by mistake? No, it’s really Robert Reimers Enterprises, the new look really had you fooled. Last Tuesday, RRE had their grand reopening. Ceramic tiles and carpeting with color coordinate ceiling, walls and floor. New counters added to the effect. Exotic displays of clothing, dry goods, electrical appliances and other items surprises the entire community.
P5 3 boys told to leave land Alaps and senior ri-jerbal in Utidrikan are taking the law into their own hands. Noting that the police department is unable to control three repeated troublemakers in the area, Alap Kotta and his wife have told the parents of the three boys that they are no longer welcome to stay on their land.
P10 CIP homers defeat PII A solo homerun by Mike Morlic and two homeruns by Hackney Wase lifted the revitalized CIP Honeybears to their second victory in as many days as they edged PII 17-13 Wednesday at Delap field.
Journal 11/1/1996
P1 RMI wants good ‘US’ ties The RMI wants to maintain its good relationship with the United States. People in the Marshall Islands appreciate the great opportunities available to them through access to scholarships and grants as well as the chance to send their kids to school, said Minister Phillip Muller this week. With this in mind, the RMI government recently halted the passport sales program which was being abused by agents giving false promises and advertising incorrect information, he said. Passports are still being processed because a number of customers made down payments that would be difficult to return, said Muller. “When the slate is clean, Cabinet proposes to reintroduce the program with major changes, no agents and fewer people involved,” he said.
P8 The Social Scene by Mary Robinson …One thing we must be careful about is using atomic or nuclear blasts to get fish. Goodness knows, this type of fishing is more trouble than it’s worth, and leaves all sorts of long-term problems. Only tourist advantage I could imagine if we started nuclear fission fishing is that the hotel in town would be full of Greenpeace activists drinking bottled water and issuing newsletters.
P14 255 out of work soon The proposed reduction in force for RMI is expected to save the government nearly $3.25 million this coming fiscal year. Bearing the brunt of the cuts are the ministries of Education and Health, with 103 and 60 jobs on the block. The next significant ministry cut is Justice at 23. In all, 255 jobs are targeted for the overall RIF.
Journal 11/2/2007
P8 Dash-8 landing gear corroded Air Marshall Islands kept its two month run of bad luck unbroken this week, when mechanics discovered additional problems with the Dash-8 that mean it is not going to get back in the air anytime soon. Although the Dash-8 has been grounded since October 10, it wasn’t until Wednesday this week that mechanics found additional problems — corrosion — in the landing gear, which means the entire landing gear needs to be replaced.
P19 Iron men Long Island Hotel is becoming Majuro’s sports spot. The inn has long been the in place for tennis and now golf is on the agenda. Photographer Douglas Henry found a squad of VIPs — including Taiwan Ambassador Bruce Linghu, President Kessai Note, and Minister Witten Philippo — talking up tee-offs and bragging about birdies at the inaugural meeting of the Marshall Islands Golf Club Federation.
P30 Dollars pour in at Kwaj market A significant number of Majuro’s “local producers” — of handcrafts, nin juice and related products — boxed up their goods and hopped on the Continental flight to Kwajalein October 20 for the latest trade fair. Despite its abbreviated nature, the event produced a healthy amount of revenue for the Majuro and Ebeye sellers. “Four hours on Kwaj was better than three days on Guam,” said one of the participants who had also attended the recent Micronesian fair on Guam to sell crafts.