
Scout troops in the prison

Scout troops in the prison

Journal 1/3/1986 P1 Youth crime attacked Nearly 800 crimes were committed in Majuro in 1984 by young people. Although no hard statistics are yet available, by all accounts the crime rate among youth appeared to rise in 1985. The largest number of crimes in 1984 were “disturbing the peace,” but nearly 300 involved burglary or […]

New knees, new life

New knees, new life

KELLY LORENNIJ The Canvasback Missions orthopedic team is making good progress in bringing health and healing to Majuro having seen over 200 patients and performed 23 operations since starting June 17 at Majuro hospital. The visiting team has been fully utilizing donated vital sign and cardiac monitors and a bovie cautery (to prevent bleeding) from […]

Hospital focuses on power fix

Hospital focuses on power fix

GIFF JOHNSON A small fire on an electrical panel in the TB ward Monday caused power to go off for the facility at Majuro hospital. It confirms ongoing power issues that plague Majuro hospital’s electrical system — problems highlighted in an assessment of the electrical system conducted late last month by a US expert. “The […]