Journal 7/13/1984
P1 2nd annual fishing tournament The second annual fishing tournament was held last weekend with 20 boats competing in the Marshalls Billfish Club-sponsored event. Saturday, Julius Capelle took the lead for total pounds with 743 pounds, Tojio Clanton brought in a 195 pound marlin, Ben Kotak led the small boat competition opening fishing class and Grant Gordon’s team took the lead in bottom fishing. Sunday saw Bob Latak’s open team come in with 1,113 pounds to take the lead with a two-day total of 1,624 pounds. Julius landed a total of 1,397 pounds. Tojio’s marlin proved to be the biggest in that category, and Ronnie Reimers was next largest with a 61 pound sailfish, a real beauty. Other leaders were Steve Andrike who caught a 54 pound wahoo and Norbert Reimers who landed a 33 pound tuna.
P1 Palau marijuana confiscated at PO Over 200 joints of Palau’s finest was discovered in a drippy false bottom box mailed to a Majuro resident from the western Republic. The marijuana was discovered by Revenue agent Claude Nathan in a shipment of what appeared to be fish.
Journal 7/12/1996
P1 Bwiji & Baron billfish kings A record-smashing 492 pound Pacific blue marlin highlighted the Marshalls Billfish Club’s annual two day tournament, winning the competition for the team of local anglers headed by Baron Bigler and Ronnie Reimers. Teenager Bwiji Aliven, however, ended the tourney staggering under the weight of his trophies and prizes. The 17-year-old fisherman crowned an impressive comeback over recent months to win the prestigious President’s Cup — his second — with two marlin caught on Friday. Bwiji’s exceptional fishing also brought the honor of winning the Atjang Paul Memorial Trophy — only the second time a fisherman has won both trophies in the same year (Ronnie was the first to win both two years ago).
P18 Tobolar #1 on bowling, not copra Tobolar may not be reaching their usual targets as far as copra is concerned but they’re having great success at the bowling alley. Tobolar I won the government’s recently concluded RMI league after 24 weeks of competition and 72 games. Team members were Mike Slinger, Biten Lanki, Rafael Juntilla, Grant Gordon, Mike Cerquillo, Jojo Delfino and Danny Padre. Meanwhile, in other developments, copra production has taken a dive and Tobolar officials are worried.
Journal 7/13/2007
P1 Big drug haul at Ailinglaplap A large amount of cocaine washed up on Woja, Ailinglaplap late last week, prompting national police to dispatch the Lomor patrol vessel. A 21-foot motorboat with twin engines washed up on the reef last Thursday with no passengers. Attempting to salvage it from the reef, islanders tried to lift it out of the water but couldn’t because of the weight. When they lifted up floorboards, however, they discovered trash bags willed with professionally wrapped bundles of cocaine. In 2004, an empty motorboat also washed into Kwajalein Atoll with hundred of kilograms of cocaine on board.
P15 Ben’s 688lb fish For a big story this week you can’t go past Ben Reimers and his big fish — all 688 pounds worth. Ben, Tom Bowling, Rudol Muller, Kim Maie, Karness Kusto and Damien Reimers were out having a ball Saturday. “We had just tagged and released a small marlin when I hooked up a big one,” Damien said. The battle of man versus marlin was on. And it was far from easy, especially as 30 minutes into the fray, the expensive fishing chair Damien was sitting on parted from its base, tumbling him to the floor. “The guys helped me up and then it took about another 45 minutes to bring in the fish.” Ben thought maybe this fish would beat Kyle Aliven’s 719 pound beast caught in 2001. Because landed fish dehydrate and lose weight over time, Ben decided to head back to Uliga Dock weigh-in station, arriving there at 11am. There weren’t too many people around and even Miss Billfish wasn’t there to have her photo taken with the team. Not to worry. “Miss Billfish wasn’t there, so we pulled her picture out of the ‘billfish book’ and stuck it on the fish,” said Damien.