Burglaries worry police

What we were saying way back when

Journal 8/26/1983

P3 Workshop finished A workshop to deal with the developing problem of juvenile delinquency ended August 24 at the court house here. Saipan-based juvenile specialist Ted Glenn went through explanations regarding report filing, handling cases in four and methods of interviewing nine local residents who participated in the workshop. Those local residents are: Karlin Jarom (Women Interests at Social Services), Clement Capelle (Youth Bureau), Jimata Kabua, Oktan Damon and Milton Zackios (court house), Frank Mojilong and Kalemen Jinuna from MCAA, Police Chief Dan O’Dell and Bethesda Obed (police).

Journal 9/1/1995

P1 Pearls of the Pacific An elusive and almost romantic sounding business venture is becoming a reality in the Marshall Islands. Robert Reimers Enterprises is now successfully producing gem-quality black pearls.

P3 New 10 MW power plant Majuro is expected to have a new power plant within the next two years. Marshalls Energy Company General Manager Billy Roberts said MEC will be asking for bids on an 8-10 megawatt power plant within the next few weeks. The power plant could be built within 18 months.

P5 Violent weekend Last weekend must go down in history as one of the most violent in memory. Stabbings, beatings, gang fights and general drunken mayhem. A young man from Mili stabs and kills a Korean fisherman; another young Marshallese man was clubbed with a piece of lumber by another  young man who is already serving time in jail for murder; Saturday a gang fight.

P15 That’s some catch Marshalls Billfish Club fisherman Timothy Anok won first place in the yellowfin division at the Kona International Billfish Tournament in Hawaii in early August.

Journal 9/1/2006

P2 Trend worries police National police say the invasion of three homes, burglaries and sexual assaults by a teenager in Ajeltake last weekend is a new and disturbing development in Majuro. “This type of behavior is new,” said national police investigator Parker Wilson. “Close your doors at night and lock them. If you don’t have a lock, get one.”

P6 All Mike crews fly in The 2006 Marshalls Billfish Club’s 14th annual All Micronesia Fishing Tournament gets underway this friday evening with registration of visiting teams and drawing of boats at the Tide Table. The visitors will compete against the two best teams representing MBC: MEC Brits II with Captain Anja Andy and his crew of Tira Keju and Ian Pickering, and Team Nini skippered by Captain Ladie Jack. Teams are coming in from Australia, New Zealand, Guam, Pohnpei, Kwajalein and Ebeye.

P18 Who’s got the first ROC micro loans? The first five successful applications for the Republic of China-funded micro loans will be announced September 1 at the grand opening of the local market at RRE Shoreline. “We have been very pleased with the interest in the micro loans, with more than 20 applications being submitted and half of them have come from the outer islands,” said Patrick Chen, president of the Bank of Marshall Islands, which is administering the program. Chen and Taiwan Ambassador Lien-gene Chen will sign the loans at the local market opening ceremony.


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