By Journal on December 27, 2024
Akio Heine, Robert Reimers store, Uliga Protestant Church
Back In The Day

Journal 1/1/1982 P1 More spending, less singingChristmas and money; money and Christmas. There seems to be a correlation between the two. In the few days before Christmas, stores around the capital were crowded with shoppers, particularly at Robert Reimers store. People were buying like crazy. Like there was no tomorrow. It seems like the spirit […]
By Journal on December 20, 2024
Deborah Barker, Kino Kabua, New Zealand, Waikato University, Yolanda Lodge
Back In The Day

Journal 12/25/1987 P1 Back in the ‘Nick’ of timeAir Marshall Islands HS 748 plane arrived in the Marshalls last Friday, just in time for the heavy load of the Christmas season. Government officials joined AMI staff for an inspection tour of the 748 and a reception markings its return after checks and servicing in New […]
By Journal on December 13, 2024
Compact of Free Association, RMI 1999 census
Back In The Day

Journal 12/18/1987 P1 Rongelap homecomingIt was a special kind of homecoming for seven Rongelap men who had not set foot on their home island since 1985, when they moved to Mejatto Island in Kwajalein Atoll. The visit was part of the beginning of an effort to evaluate the radiation levels on Rongelap Island and begin […]
By Journal on December 6, 2024
Jurelang Zedkaia, Marshall Islands Resort, Namdrik, Rongelap, RRE Tide Table
Back In The Day

Journal 12/11/1987 P3 PII’s Kramer re-elected Chamber headNew officers were elected to the Marshall Islands Association of Chambers of Commerce last Thursday. Jerry Kramer of Pacific International Inc. was elected president of the Chamber. Sam Leon of Candise Rental was elected vice president, Pat Muno of the Hairport is secretary, and independent businessman Mike Case […]
By Journal on November 29, 2024
Carl Ingram, Majuro Attorney General, RMI aliens, Soye Brown
Back In The Day

Journal 12/4/1987 P7 Crush of the crowdsGibson’s looked like downtown Manhattan at rush hour on Monday night during a special late night sale at the Delap store. Plenty of bargain hunters turned up for the sale. P18 ‘Schools a failure’The Marshall Islands education system is a “conspicuous failure” and has “never worked,” reported Marshall Islands […]
By Journal on November 22, 2024
Kimberly Cullen, RMI women voters, Women United Together Marshall Islands
Back In The Day

Journal 11/27/1987 P3 Suicides top all diseases as leading killer in MarshallsThe Marshalls suicide problem, reported earlier in the year to be at an all time high, continues to spiral out of control. Through this week, 19 young people had committed suicide during 1987 — seven more than 1982 when suicides reached their peak and […]
By Journal on November 15, 2024
Amata Kabua, Hemos Jack, Henry Samuel, Majuro five, Phillip Muller, Tony deBrum
Back In The Day

Journal 11/20/1987 P1 Majuro five still aliveMajuro’s five incumbents head the list of vote getters in the final but unofficial vote count for all Mauro election wards. The unofficial results showed President Amata Kabua at the top, Hemos Jack was second, while Phillip Muller and Tony deBrum were a close third and fourth. Henry Samuel […]
By Journal on November 8, 2024
Eric Watnik, RMI Compact Trust Fund
Back In The Day

Journal 11/13/1987 P1 Ebeye surgeon honoredEbeye’s chief surgeon Dr. Serano Salvador received the highest honor bestowed upon surgeons by being awarded a fellowship by the American College of Surgeons. P7 Marshallese inducted into servicesLate last month, a group of 40 young people from the Marshalls and Federated States of Micronesia were sworn in at a […]
By Journal on November 1, 2024
Jaluit, Jurelang Zedkaia, Mejrirok Elementary School, PREL, UNESCO
Back In The Day

Journal 11/6/1987 P1 Friday night baby boomIf you think the Marshalls has a high birth rate, you’re right. And after Friday’s record 12 births in slightly more than 24 hours, it may be event higher. Majuro hospital averages between two and two-and-a-half new borns a day. P3 Young journalistsThe first issue of the Marshall Islands […]
By Journal on October 25, 2024
Compact of Free Association, Fr. Francis X. Hezel, Trust Territory
Back In The Day

Journal 10/30/1987 P1 Back to TT ‘pork barrel’ daysIs there something that legislators, magistrates and other elected officials in Micronesia see that the rest of us are missing? This may explain why many of those charged with overseeing development funds under the Compact are busily appropriating this money for seawalls, community houses, docks and other […]