News Archive

PNA tuna futures are “green”

PNA tuna futures are “green”

REBECCA LATHROP The Parties to the Nauru Agreement’s (PNA’s) 37th Officials Meeting, held this year in Nauru, included welcoming a new chair, a summary of 2017 accomplishments, a look to the future and a plethora of facts and figures to assist informed decision making. More than 60 attendees included officials from the eight member countries […]

Calm before the storm?

Calm before the storm?

HILARY HOSIA Since January 1, only two people in the Marshall Islands died by committing suicide, according to latest reports from Ministry of Health and Human Services, which encompasses both Mental Health Divisions in Majuro and Ebeye and the Outer Islands Health Care Services (formerly known as Outer Islands Dispensary System). The first case this […]

RMI Red Cross praised

RMI Red Cross praised

KELLY LORENNIJ International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Secretary General Elhadj As Sy spent several days in Majuro earlier this month, visiting with top-level RMI government leaders and people in communities around Majuro Atoll. The IFRC Secretary General met with Acting President Amenta Matthew and Cabinet members the day following his arrival. Discussions […]

Behind the Grease scenes

Behind the Grease scenes

HILARY HOSIA The biggest fear Grease actors and actresses shared does not happen on stage: it’s not remembering to deliver the correct line or the worry of projecting a clear voice while executing a dance routine. It’s what happens after the show. Throughout the six back-to-back shows in early March, the audience exploded in ecstasy […]

Courts reach out to public

Courts reach out to public

Chief Justice Carl Ingram and the Pacific Judicial Strengthening Initiative (PJSI) hosted a local Access to Justice Workshop in Majuro, Marshall Islands last week. The Workshop was well attended by fifty members of the community, prosecutors, defenders and members of the bar together with the judges and court staff from the High, District and Traditional […]

US docs get people walking

US docs get people walking

HILARY HOSIA At the beginning of the month, 23 Canvasback Missions OBGYN specialists departed Majuro to the US after seeing 567 patients. Then last week, 20 more miracle workers arrived in Majuro, only this time on an orthopedic visit that, as of Monday, screened 187 patients with 19 completed surgeries out of 31 scheduled operations. […]

Tempo: ‘Forgotten islanders’ advocate

Tempo: ‘Forgotten islanders’ advocate

SEIICHIRO TAKEMINE Ailuk islander Tempo Alfred, 77, died in Majuro earlier this month. One of a dwindling number of elder Marshallese survivors of the US nuclear weapons testing program, Tempo was born on Ailuk. As a 13-year-old boy, he was an eyewitness to the March 1, 1954 Bravo hydrogen bomb test. He remembered a flash […]

Tony honored by MLSC

Tony honored by MLSC

Micronesian Legal Services Corporation (MLSC) honored late Ambassador Tony deBrum in an unveiling of the Ambassador Tony deBrum Memorial Plaque Ceremony at the Public Defender/MLSC building in Majuro last week. Remarks were delivered by MLSC Board of Directors Chairman Robert Ruecho, Minister of Justice, Immigration, and Labor Mike Halferty, and Honorary Consul General for Israel […]