By Journal on September 25, 2020
Andrew Bing, Anja Andy, Atjang Paul, Beibor Okney, Bwiji Aliven, Camille, Danny Wase, Edinal Jorkan, Emma, Ermine Narruhn, Evelyn Lanki, Francis Silk, Gae Guk Lee, Holly Barker, Jeton "Zulu" Anjain, Lester Sawej, Neijon Edwards, Nella, Peter deBrum, Peter Peter, Regina Niedenthal, Ronnie Reimers, Tira Keju, Tom Kijiner, Tommy, Waylon Muller, Wilbur Allen
Back In The Day

Journal 9/23/1983 P1 Ebeye receives new phones Ebeye will soon have 150 new telephones installed. Minister of Transportation and Communications Atjang Paul said the telephones and drop line has arrived from Saipan and will soon be installed by staff from the Majuro ComSat. P5 Four hired Cabinet today hired three new teachers for Marshall Islands […]
By Journal on July 3, 2020
Albottar Jamore, Amata Kabua, Andrew Bing, Bwiji Aliven, Charles Muller, Fred Pedro, Jerry Kramer, Jeton Anjain, Marshalls Billfish Club, Melven Aliven, Moses Cama, Nitijela, Ronald Reagan, Ronnie Reimers, Shiro Riklon
Back In The Day

Journal 7/5/1983 P1 Are you registered to vote? Voter registration is now open for the 7 September plebiscite on the Compact of Free Association and the November Nitijela elections. Chief Electoral Officer Shiro Riklon said there are about 12,000 voters presently registered. He estimates there are 2,000 to 3,000 eligible voters who are not registered. […]
By Journal on July 5, 2018
Alexander Adiniwin, Andrew Adiniwin, Andrew Bing, Bollong Joklur, Edward Adiniwin, Hilary Hosia, Isaiah Kramer, Jr., Kaiser Muller, Kalimen Pabro, Richard Adiniwin, Waylon Muller
News Archive

HILARY HOSIA Who’s ready for gold? They are. The Marshall Islands Wrestling team is sending an elite team of wrestlers to compete in the 2018 Micronesian Games in Yap in the Federated States of Micronesia this week. The eight competitors including coaches all have a record of winning their matches. “Before we take off, we […]
By Journal on July 8, 2016
amateur boxing, Andrew Bing, Bantory Mojilang, boxing, Christopher Bing, Ebot Austin, Henry Lajima, Kimura Masanoby, Mody Regala, Ned Lautiej, Ron Lewis, Ruter Telene, Sam Luther, Tobin Jemodre, Young Kennedy
Back In The Day

Journal 7/9/1976 P3 The myth of unity The big news on the second day of the Trusteeship Council’s 43rd session was the petition of the Marshall Islands delegation calling for the immediate separation of the Marshall Islands from the rest of the Trust Territory and for the eventual independence of the Marshalls. The delegation’s presentations […]