The once empty College of the Marshall Islands campus in Uliga was full Monday with the start of the first day of school. Students were wearing face masks, and security monitored strict entry rules, allowing only those with ID badges. Students and teachers had to carry a valid CMI ID that has a Covid logo on it in order for them enter the college’s facilities.
“I am nervous since this is going to be on a different level,” said new student Kianu deBrum, majoring in liberal arts, describing how he feels on his first day of school. “We will stick to the Covid protocols as recommended by our health officials if we want a good school year,” said another new student Jiji Laikidrik. “I am looking forward to working hard and trying my best.”
“I’m so happy became I wanted to come and I have my clinic (course) this semester,” said returning student Marynuia Lenja.
A special edition of the College of the Marshall Islands newsletter called “Jilel” issued last week provides coverage from numerous departments of the college about their responses to the outbreak.
CMI President Dr. Irene Taafaki announced that the college will offer free 4G accounts to all students for the first two months of the semester. Also after students get their financial aid they can receive their 4G at a 50 percent discount for the second two months.
In other key developments at CMI:
• CMI nurses plan to limit service to 30 patients per day at CMI’s clinic with 15 in the morning and another 15 in the afternoon. These nurses are now stationed in the Marshall Islands Resort to have easy access to student residents and to be closer to the hospital.
• The counseling team is working on providing virtual activities to give emotional support and to generate Covid awareness. Counseling sessions will be held virtually with individuals undergoing anxiety and depression.
• CMI’s Library has been rearranged in compliance with Covid physical distancing protocols that can accommodate up to 72 students.
• CMI Kwajalein Adult Basic Education (ABE) center instructors prepared drop-off zones for students to complete registration. In addition, learning packets are continuing to be developed for ABE students.
• CMI’s department of Safety and Security collaborated with the Physical Plant team to install four new gates at the main campus in Uliga for health screening and controlling access to the campus.
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