Journal 9/25/1987
P7 Book of figures finished
The Republic of the Marshall Islands has completed publication of the Marshall Islands Statistical Abstract 1986, the second annual publication of the data source. The publication is largely the work of statistician Marty Jekkein, who is created by Chief Secretary Oscar deBrum with doing the actual compilation work.
Journal 9/24/1999
P1 Evelyn Konou off to Taiwan
Evelyn Konou took the oath administered by Judge H. Dee Johnson as the Marshall Islands ambassador to the Republic of China.
P1 Wot’s up bro?
The Nitijela escalated last week, transforming itself into a gloves-off, bare-knuckled, in-your-face venue, replete with crowd noises, spontaneous applause and harsh words. The immediate cause of the volcanic eruption from the minority party leadership and ranks was frustration at the recently employed tactic adopted by the majority part of closing down session at the first hint of negativity from the back benches. In the days leading up to Thursday’s tumultuous set-to, minority leadership complained that iroij, alab and general public were tired of coming to Nitijela to observe developments only to be repeatedly frustrated by precipitous adjournments.
P14 Ribbon cut for new loining plant
In an affair marked by brief comments, a short prayer and a smartly dissected band of yellow ribbon, the PMOP fish loining planet officially gave birth to itself while numerous local dignitaries stood by in affirmation an recognition of the event.
Journal 10/1/2010
P2 Jerry honored for price cuts
Pacific International CEO Jerry Kramer was recognized at Wednesday’s Chamber of Commerce meeting for his company’s role in dramatically reducing gasoline prices in the capital. Chamber Vice President Mike Slinger presented Kramer with a certificate of recognition. PII opened its first gas station in April, moving to reduce the price of gas by 85 cents per gallon that was followed by Mobil-supplied gas stations on Majuro.

P7 Easy for kids to buy booze and smokes
Most stores in the Marshall Islands are violating RMI laws banning the sale of tobacco to minors under 18. The survey, conducted by Marshall Islands Epidemiological and Prevention Initiatives (MI-EPI), shows how easy children can purchase cigarettes and other tobacco products on Majuro and Ebeye. A recent “sting” operation on Majuro showed that 85 percent of stores surveyed sold tobacco illegally to teenagers under 18, according to MI-EPI representatives Jay Plasman and Ben Chutaro. On Ebeye, a similar survey showed that three out of four stores violated the law regarding sales to minors.
P27 Crowds pack ECC for Shootout drama
Team Kaben Meto didn’t score 100 points a game or blow out the competition in the Bank of Marshall Islands 11th Ralik Ratak Shootout Invitational Basketball Tournament. But the defending champions were not stymied by Coach Thomas Heine and several key players being off island, winning Pool A with a perfect 5-0 record. At Monday’s showdown of undefeated Pool A teams, Kaben Meto came from behind to defeat a less experienced but strong rebounding and shooting Team Majuro 76-72. In a battle of the undefeated Pool B teams, Team Mili beat Team Kwajalein on Monday to win its pool with a 5-0 record.