Dance contest a blast

The Power 103.5FM sixth anniversary Dance Competition at Delap Park did exactly what Daniel Kramer said in his speech over the weekend: Connect the community together.

“I’m very happy to see that tonight represents what we created Power 103.5 for,” Kramer said towards the end of the grand show. Kramer said one of the many reasons behind creating the now leading media franchise was to recognize and give praise to musicians, artists and dancers. And, to provide entertainment while connecting the community together.

The dance contest was sponsored by the Australian Embassy and Sunwhite Rice, with prizes for dancers and other participants.

Australian Embassy Deputy Chief of Mission Katrina Murray and Power 103.5FM owner dance competition organizer Daniel Kramer hold the ceremonial $900 grand prize for Team Tama Nesians that won the radio station’s sixth anniversary dance extravaganza last Saturday night at Delap Park. Photo: Chewy Lin.

Heavy rain and thunder did not stop the show from going. It even seemed like the heavens approved of the event as witnessed by repeated thunder claps throughout the show.

All performers, even the judges and few vendors in the night market, were recognized and given prizes.

Team Tama Nesians went home with the $900 grand prize for their jaw-dropping performance. Tama means son and nesia stands for Micronesia, Melanesia and Polynesia, which members of the group represent.


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