Journal 5/13/1983
P1 Senator Jeton Anjain resigns as Health Services minister Minister of Health Services Jeton Anjain Tuesday submitted his resignation from Cabinet citing a conflict of interest to his Rongelap constituents because of 177 (nuclear claims) issues. Anjain said his loyalty goes first to his people and then to the government.
P9 First grads Majuro Coop School held its first graduation this week. David Kramer, Robin Paiva and Baron Bigler were the first graduates.
Journal 5/19/1995
P1 PII sues USA A 58-page complaint was filed Monday against the US government, the US Army Corps of Engineers and the US Army Kwajalein Atoll by Pacific International Inc. for violation of the Compact that disrupted PII’s ability to complete a contract at Kwajalein.
P1 Impossible drive “They” said it couldn’t be done. But upstart Brand-X beat the Jets twice to march into the Continental championship game Wednesday against the top-ranked Rita Hawks.
P3 Bikini council goes for cleanup The Bikini Council has reversed its earlier position in favor of pursuing the nuclear waste option and in a resolution said its goal is to clean up and resettle Bikini.
P19 UB grads celebrate Thirteen high school seniors were recognized at a special Upward Bound banquet last week at the Lanai. All are college bound. Christine Capelle is the only one of the 13 not going to CMI; she expected to attend the University of Hawaii at Hilo. Other UB graduates were: Angela Kinere and Robert Watley, AHS; Selma Peter, Susanna Joklur, Allington Menjin and Peterson Riklon, MIHS; Franky Langinbelik and Jackline George, SDA; and Una Watak, Martin Masao, Philip Lanki and Herming Harry of Calvary.
P20 ‘Highest regard’ for Lomor crew American Ambassador David Fields presented a certificate of merit to the captain and crew of the Lomor patrol vessel for outstanding search and rescue and for support of explosive ordnance disposal missions. Receiving the award was Lt. Commander Korent Joel and Chief of Surveillance Thomas Heine.
Journal 5/19/2006
P4 Lomor gets revamp amid 3 cyclones A spruced up, repainted, replayed, repaired and refitted Lomor steamed into Majuro lagoon looking like a million dollars this week. It had just returned from Australia where the patrol boat underwent a thorough overhaul. The team had to weather three typhoons while trying to get all the work done at the Tropical Reef boatyard in Cairns, Australia.
P10 Stevedore first to use email for taxes The Ministry of Finance is moving steadily into the technological age, with the first successful electronic filing of taxes. The Division of Revenue and Taxation worked closely with Majuro Stevedore and Terminal Company to test the e-filing tax process, said Assistant Finance Secretary Casten Nemra.
P10 Medical society, MOH praise retired doctors Three retired Marshallese medical doctors were recognized by President Kessai Note, the Marshall Islands Medical Society, the Ministry of Health and a large audience that joined the event at Long Island Restaurant. Doctors Ezra Riklon, Isao Kisno and Enta Peter — whom among them provided more than 120 years of medical and dental services to the people of the RMI — were warmly praised by Dr. Kamal Gunawardane, head of the medical society, and Majuro hospital chief of staff Dr. Masao Korean.
P32 Hungry More than one-third of the households surveyed recently by the RMI government (448 out of 1,205) reported they sometimes or often do not have enough food to eat.