MBC team stars in Kona


Journal 9/23/1983

P1 Ebeye receives new phones Ebeye will soon have 150 new telephones installed. Minister of Transportation and Communications Atjang Paul said the telephones and drop line has arrived from Saipan and will soon be installed by staff from the Majuro ComSat.

P5 Four hired Cabinet today hired three new teachers for Marshall Islands High School along with one counselor, Minister of Education Tom Kijiner announced at Nitijela September 23. Some students have only two classes a day because of the teacher shortage.

P16 Tournament winners Wednesday evening in single elimination, Danny Wase came out the winner over Peter deBrum in the finals of the eight-ball tournament. Edinal Jorkan and Lester Sawej were the runners up. The Yacht Club is sponsoring a weekly eight-ball tournament and wants all billiard enthusiasts to sign up before 7pm on Wednesday evening. There is a cash prize for the winner.

Journal 9/29/1995

P1 A hero passes The Marshall Islands lost one of its most notable personages just over a week ago with the death, in Honolulu, of Fred Narruhn. Survived by his wife Ermine, and children Tommy, Emma, Camille and Nella and 22 grandchildren, he would have been 72 in November. Fred was born in the Gilbert Islands to a German father and Marshallese mother. During extensive combat in World War II, Fred earned a Silver Star from the US Army for his courageous actions during the battle to take Makin Atoll in the Gilberts from the Japanese. At the time, Fred was a member of the First Battalion, Fiji Infantry Regiment. He was also the recipient of US Army commendation for outstanding service in other Pacific theater action notably in Bougainville. In the Marshalls, Fred served as a scout for the American forces. Later, he managed the Kwajalein Import Trading Co. (Kitco) here in Majuro.

P12 Neijon speaks out in Beijing The head of the Marshall Islands delegation to the Fourth World Conference on Women called French nuclear testing in Tahiti “immoral and arrogant,” appealing for France to end its nuclear experiments in the Pacific. Neijon Edwards, who eased the Marshalls delegation at the UN-sponsored conference win Beijing earlier this month, asked pointedly: “How can the same weapons which are too destructive to detonate within the borders of the industrialized nations be acceptable for the Pacific region?” She was joined at the international event by Kioron Sam, Neibor Okney, Evelyn Lanki, Regina Niedenthal and Holly Barker.

Journal 9/29/2006

P3 Wrestlers head to China A Marshall Islands wrestling team headed last week to Guangzhou, China for the World Championships. Wrestling Federation chief Francis Silk said this is the first time RMI is participating in the World Championships, which is a stepping stone to the 2008 Beijing Olympics. The RMI wrestlers and coaches: Peter Peter, Jeton “Zulu” Anjain, Jr., Andrew Bing, Waylon Muller, Secretary Wilbur Allen, and Gae Guk Lee.

P9 MBC guys win in Kona Billfish Club members Ronnie Reimers, Bwiji Aliven, Tira Keju and Anja Andy were the stars of last weekend’s Okoe Bay Rendezvous Tournament held in Kona, Big Island. The MBC team took out the three-day fishing tournament with a 404 pound billfish caught by Tira on the first day and a 358 pound billfish caught by Bwiji on the second day.


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